Pain of Dreams

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Pain, it's all around me. What did I do to deserve this heart wrecking pain? Does anyone know what I am talking about? The pain where you can't sleep at night, because you're crying or you wake up screaming or in tears because of a dream. The pain where you can't do anything but clutch your chest sobbing. I felt it every day, but after a while you become numb.

The dream, just emptiness, nothing more nothing less. It's all my dreams are now. At first the dreams are sad heartbreaking dreams, and then they change to dreams where you wish that they had happened or would happen. Then finally the dreams turn to nothing but a black setting, with voices of past conversations. No matter what you wake up crying? The voices in the dream start to seem so real to you.

Then when you think to dreams are over because you go a couple of night without them, and you wish and pray that you are over that person who broke your heart, the dreams and the pain come back. You soon realize that the person you were holding onto is taken and will never feel the same way about you. They are always talking about the one they like or love now and it kills you more each day, till you ask yourself what is the point of trying? Trying to make them remember the good times you had and how you both loved each other, but then it hits you faster than a ton of bricks...

You can't change what has happened and shouldn't try to fix it, because what's done is done. You come to terms with yourself and say if we were meant to be together, then we will be but it might take time. If we aren't meant for each other, then I will find someone else who will love me till the end. But is it really the end or should we say for eternity.

Eternity seems more like it, because there will really be no end to love, once it starts then if will never end. There is no such thing as loved, only love because there is no such thing a loved as in past tense. If you loved them then, then you will always love them, forever.

Though we all go through the pain of heartache, some worse than others, we will always have hope that the one we love will love us back, even if it in just in our dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2010 ⏰

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