502 18 32

Word count: 1068

Phil laid in his uncomfortable hospital bed, staring up at the white ceiling, bored out of his mind. It had been a week since he was stuck in this stupid place, and it was driving Phil crazy. On the bright side, I don't have to deal with my father. Phil nodded to himself, quite happy about the arrangement. Dan promised he would bring Phil's homework on Friday. Phil looked over at the calendar pinned on the wall, momentarily getting distracted by the picture of the cute kitten before peering down at the date. Today is Friday. How did I not realize that? Phil glanced at the clock hung up on the wall.


Phil sighed. He was going to have to be patient, which wasn't easy for Phil, especially when it involved Dan. The clock ticked loudly, making Phil more and more tense. He hated clocks. All they did was remind him of the time moving by and how he had no control over it. Time did scare Phil, but he was sure it did for everyone else, that is if they stopped to think about it. All time does is count down the seconds to the next bad thing, which eventually leads to death. Fuck my life. He glanced back over to the clock.


Phil's eyes widened when he realized how much time he had just wasted thinking about time. I just confused myself. He chuckled humorlessly to himself. Phil felt quite sleepy. I'll just rest my eyes for a few seconds. I don't want to fall-

And he was out like a light.


Dan made his way through the maze of hallways before finally reaching hall 7. The weight of Phil's work weighed him down, making Dan shuffle his feet. These books are going to break my back! Dan rolled his shoulders, trying to take away some of the pain from the straps digging into his flesh. Dan stopped in front of room 373. He was scared. Why? Well, for starters, he has crippling social anxiety. On top of that he's going to be stuck in a small room with his crush. That would make anyone sweat bullets, wouldn't it? Dan stood outside the wood door for a good three minutes, letting his anxiety peel away at his mind.

    His palms were sweating. His legs were jelly. His heart was beating at an irregular and uneven pace. Dan, my friends, was petrified. Petrified of what this punk would say to him. Scared out of his mind he would not be able to even make a sentence, let alone carry on a brilliant conversation.

    Dan swallowed the lump in his throat and reached out and grabbed the door handle. He attempted to push it downward but his hand slipped off due to the sweat. Dan let out a very shaky breath, feeling like he might burst into tears at any moment. He was on edge, so close to the edge that just a harsh look from Phil would leave Dan a sobbing mess. Dan hated his extreme anxiety. It was quite possibly the worst thing about himself.

Dan succeeded at opening the door on the second try. To Dan's surprise, the door opened quietly. Dan silently stepped in and looked over at a sleeping Phil. Just leave. Come back another time. No, never come back. Phil hates you. Dan's anxiety got the better of him. He spun on his heel and started out the door, pausing in his tracks when he heard the bed squeak behind him. Dan's shoulders tensed and he slowly turned his head back to look at Phil. His piercing blue eyes bore into Dan's brown ones, making Dan nervous.

      "I-I ha-have your work. Homework. Schoolwork. Work." Dan rambled, mentally kicking himself. Phil just stared at Dan's unsettled form and nodded slowly in response. Phil was trying to come off as cool and confident and trying not to make it obvious he was crushing of Dan.

     Dan reached shakily took the bag off his shoulders and rifled through it, hands shaking more than Phil thought was possible. Dan eventually got a heavy stack of books and papers and make his way over to Phil's side, legs shaking so much he thought he was going to collapse. And he did. Kind of.

     Dan tripped on the slick floor, books flying towards Phil. Phil's eyes widened in horror at the heavy objects flying towards him. Dan seemed to face plant in slow motion, his flower crown skidding under Phil's bed. All but one book flew over Phil's tense body. The largest book of all landed straight on Phil's crotch. Phil cried out and curled in on himself, obviously in pain. Dan quickly peeled himself off the floor and stumbled back at the sight of the school punk with a huge dictionary lying on his crotch. Phil had his eyes squeezed shut, trying not to cry.

     "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Dan rushed over to Phil's side. He noticed a glint of water run down Phil's right cheek, making Dan feel even worse. "I'll get it!" Dan said and reached forward to grab the book off Phil's lap. His hand was shaking uncontrollably as he grabbed the large math book. His hand accidentally brushed against Phil's crotch due to the shaking.


    Phil felt the tear slide down his face and he heard Dan mumbling an apology. He was in excruciating pain. The whippings still left cuts and the book hadn't helped. He felt a hand brush his crotch as the book was removed.

Phil's eyes popped open. His mind was doing backflips. His heart was beating wildly.

Dan. Touched. My-

Phil sucked in a large breath and felt a pull at his crotch section. Oh no! Oh no!

Phil quickly brought his knees to his chest to hide his boner. His heart was beating way too fast and his whole body started sweating. What if Dan saw. Oh my gosh no.

Phil closed his eyes, trying to get the lust filled thoughts to evaporate from his dirty mind. Once he did, he reopened his eyes and glared at Dan. Dan visibly sunk lower, his shoulders sagging. His cinnamon eyes glistened ever so slightly. Dan spun around and darted out of the room.

"DAN!" Phil yelled as the door slammed shut.

What in the world just happened? Phil wondered.


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