492 13 40

Word count: 948


   This was the day Phil had been dreading since he was placed in room 373 exactly seven days ago. This was the day Phil was due home. A nurse walked in and closed the door behind her. She took out the tubes and needles connected to Phil. She picked up her pink clipboard and looked at it with sympathy.

"Phil Lester?"

"Yes?" Phil replied nervously.

"Due to your self harm, we cannot permit you to leave without psychiatric help." The lady glanced down at her clipboard. "We will need you to stay in the mental ward for two weeks minimum."

Phil stared at the lady before him, open mouthed. He was unsure what to think. Being in a mental hospital is not ideal but it was better than being at home with his abusive father. "O-okay."

"Alright then. Gather your stuff and follow me." She walked to the door and waited as Phil scrambled out of bed to gather his phone and one set of clothing and shoes. She looked at the minimal amount of belongings Phil had and sighed.

Phil followed the lady down the hall and up the elevator to floor 15. Phil thought it was stupid to have suicidal people on the 15th floor. Either way, that's where he was headed.

    The doors opened and Phil and the nurse stepped out into the stark white hallway. Everything was white except the painting of the sky behind the secretary's desk. He followed the nurse down a long hallway, turning right at the end. They made their way down the white hallway, the nurse pointing out different rooms such as the canteen and rec room. She turned left at the end. There are so many hallways. I am going to get lost. Phil followed her and they reached the end of the hallway. The nurse dressed in white opened the last door on the left and ushered Phil inside.

"I will be back soon to take you to your therapist, but until then, you may read, color, draw, or whatever you like. Just no electronics." She held out her hand expectantly. Phil sighed and slowly placed his phone in her outstretched hand. She smiled. "Thank you, Philip. Dinner is in an hour. Settle in then head down to the canteen to meet some of the other residents." She patted Phil's shoulder. "It may do you good to make friends in here. The therapists take it as a sigh of 'feeling better'."

Phil laughed. "Alright, thank you..."


"Barbra." Phil repeated. Barbra smiled and left, closing the white door softly behind her. Phil surveyed his small space. A twin bed, a dresser, and en suite bathroom for one. All white. Phil sighed. He never liked white to begin with. Now whenever the nurses would show up in his room, he would blend in with his surroundings. Phil laughed at the thought of himself lying on the floor and a nurse stepping on him. Wow, maybe I am mental. Phil thought.


The days for Dan at Woodridge High School passed excruciatingly slow. Dan was beaten every day, like usual, jeered and laughed at. Ever since Friday, Dan had not been the same. He had ran home after his 'incident' with Phil and locked himself in his room for the rest of the weekend. He refused to talk to his moms and ignoring their pleas. Dan let himself cry and mope for the weekend, occasionally he would mindlessly browse Tumblr.

     He still has not talked since Friday. The teachers thought nothing of it, seeing he rarely talked to begin with. The bullies took this as an excuse to hurt him more. Today's beating was the worst. Dan walked into home room this morning to find the teacher was not in there, but the football team was.

     The bell rang, signaling the end of classes. Dan was relieved his moms said he didn't have to go to the Wednesday church meeting tonight. Dan just couldn't handle anymore teasing. He was quite possibly done with everything. He trudged to his locker, trying to peer out of his black eyes. Yes, both eyes were black. That was how bad these beatings were.

     Dan was putting his heavy books in his locker when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Dan turned around slowly, not wanting a punch to the face. He was relieved to find Chris standing behind him with a confused look on his face.

    "Dan, what the hell happened to you?!" Chris exclaimed, glancing at Dan's face. He leaned in towards Dan to get a better look at his face.

     Dan refused to make eye contact. Chris sighed. "Look, Dan, I need your help."

    Dan nodded, signaling Chris to continue speaking. "I need a ride to the hospital."

      "Again?" Dan's croaked, his voice raspy from the mix of not speaking for five days and the endless crying he's been doing.

     "Yes. I need to see Phil."

     "I thought Phil got out on Monday." Dan inquired.

      Chris shifted uncomfortably. "Well, yes and no. He got placed in the mental hospital."

     Dan's eyes widened considerably. "Why?"

    Chris shook his head. "I've already said too much. Look, can you give me a ride or not?"

     Dan nodded and slammed his locker closed. He hoisted his bag over his shoulder with much difficulty. He started walking and gestured for Chris to do the same. They fell in step beside each other. Dan lost himself in thought. What's wrong with Phil? Why was he in the hospital in the first place? He's very broken, that's for certain, but I didn't know it was this bad. Dan sighed. If only I could help him...

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