Pearl x Mystery Girl

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AN: go read the last chapter bc they take place in the same setting!!


The music festival was loud, uncomfortable, and the perfect place to try and see her again. Steven insisted that the entire team came to every music festival with her, just to make sure that she doesn't feel uncomfortable. From what she knew, Steven and Garnet were having the most fun, with Garnet holding Steven up with her shoulders. Lapis and Peridot were doing something similar, further back in the crowd, but having just as much fun. Pearl had to fight the urge to clean up the dirty red cups on the ground and tell all these people to change into clothes that weren't painted with twenty different types of stains.

She had to be here, this was just the type of party that she would be at. Pearl wished that Garnet would just tell her if she was going to be here or not, but she refused to every time with a smile. She was sure that Garnet was just trying to make her go outside and socialize.

Pearl stuck near the very edges of the party, well away from the jumping people. She scanned the area. Blinking lasers, teenagers dancing rather inappropriately, abandoned cups, and a yellowed shirt that was left on the sand. It was all too loud, too bright, too annoyin-.

And suddenly she was there. Her pink hair wasn't very unique in this type of crowd, but her height gave her away. She didn't quite tower over everyone, but she was easily a head taller than the average person. She was more controlled than everyone else. She also was standing near the edges, bobbing her head to the loud beat of the music. There was a faint smile on her face.

Pearl quickly made her way over to her. She was wearing a leather jacket on top of a plain white shirt. Her jeans were ripped and torn. She had a few more piercings now, a few lined her upper lip.

"Hello! Remember me?" Pearl had to shout to even be heard, but the Mystery Girl seemed to hear her perfectly over the blasting music and shouting people.

"Hey, it's nice to see you again Pearl!" It might have been a silence, but the music prevented that from ever happening.

"You have more piercings!"

"Yeah, but I still can't keep up with you! You have a pearl in your head!" she laughed, and somehow Pearl could hear it perfectly over the music. "It's strange to see you in a place like this! I always thought I would see you at a library or something!"

"Yes, the party is quite... interesting." Pearl looked around. There was now a teenage boy without pants that was crowd surfing, balanced on dangerously excited teenagers. A few feet away, there was an elderly man that had deserted his walking cane in pursuit of energy drinks and dubstep music. In actuality, the old man looked like he was having more fun than anyone else at the party.

"Interesting isn't the word I would use! I would use... insane?" asked Pearl with a curious look.



The music blasted up again, and this time the sound was carried on by screaming fans.


"What did you say?"



Pearl didn't know why, but it was more fun to talk like this. She knew that her throat would hurt from the shouting, but now she didn't even think about it.

"....WHAT ABOUT YOU?" the first few words were drowned out.



Was she having fun? This was the exact opposite of what Pearl was usually happy with. She liked peace, calm, and neat. This was chaotic (to say the least), crazy, and disgusting. But for some reason, this was much more satisfying than anything else.



AN: happy late april fools! double update!

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