somthing HUGE!

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School. Ebott city's Middle (I'm just guessing!) School is problubly the worst kind of school, other than its gards at the front entrance. It is too safe. 

The one thing you like about it is the ufiforms. Because of Ebbot City's warmth its too hot to stuffy uniforms. So the unfioms are just for girls a tee-shirt and skirt. 

School is pretty normal...untill today. 

You were in the mittle of the hallway when your necklace glowed. You stuck into the bathrooms. You got into a stall. 

"HELLO Y/N!" It was blueberrys voice. "LONG STORY SHORT WE NEED YOUR HELP!". 

"You need my help?But I have school!" You said. "YAH I KNOW WE'LL COME GET YOU!" blueberry said.. "Wait...did you say we'll?" You said. "YAH ME,EDGE AND SCI! INK CANT COME THOUGH! HES BEEN KIDNAPPED!" Blueberry said. "Okay then..." You ended the call.

Then it hit you. 3 giant skeletons were coming to a heavily secured school that has its own armed force and the government  on  speed dial.

At lunch (12:30) an announcement came on the loudspeakers. "Its me your principle Mr. Bob and the school is going on lockdown because there are 3 giant skeletons coming towards  the school. No-I'm not kidding. look out the window. "

(I'm not even going to fix this, lol.)

Giant!Ink!Sans X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now