Part 11:

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Well today i had unexpectedly done something a bit stupid------i've kinda threatened negan like for the first time------because while he was talking i suddenly lifted up a middle finger at him.....after that happened carl milorie clarity and their little brother fell over on the ground and just bursted out laughing "that's a very good one steph.....none of us had thought about doing that before!!!!!!!" carl said to me as he wiped away a tear from laughing really really really hard "that's what he said-------" i told carl in a not-so innocent voice. and stuck my tongue out at him. "hahahahahahaha......" clarity laughed yet again after carl face-palmed right after i had said my favorite joke. "i know right big sissy?!?!" milorie asked clarity as she giggled softly "that zombie wolf girl just gave me the middle finger....." negan said: "because i wanted to do that for ever so long!!!!!!!!" i said as i showed off my fangs and growling very angrily "oh daaaaaaayaaaam steph....." carl whispered to me which only made me laugh and i pinched him playfully on purpose like always "ouch steph-----stop hurting me for no reason, because it's not even funny to me then it is to you.....this is starting to annoy me now!!!!!!!" he said. "well it's always been your fault that i do these kind of sugar honey ice tea on purpose, and for that matter i am going to pass it on to clarity alex & milorie.....but let me tell you will not be for fun------and so it's gonna be a huge problem for you!!!!!!!" i told him. "but it's already a problem for could you do this to me??????" he said to me but in question;

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