Bumping Into Wolfrun

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We were way faster then when we were humans. It was awesome! I felt like the flash... Okay maybe not that fast! Suddenly everyone turned to gloom. We were a few minutes away from the nearest book store. But we had to stop to help everybody but it annoyed me but I went with it. I couldn't stand not seeing Sans. Heheheheh. Not like I like him or anything! Then I saw a creepy wolf flying in the air. I was guessing that was Wolfrun. I backed away as they told me to hide. I did so bit I think he caught be and grabbed my by the ear, "ow ow ow!" I yelled. He smiled and threw me to his other arm. He juggled me around and around. "Why isn't she gloomy!!!" He scowled. It did come to me everyone should be gloomy including me. It was wierd. And very starange. But then next things I knew I was in a creepy cage as Wolfrun went off to battle the glitter force. I looked around waiting for something to happen. I didn't have to wait too like maybe 3 minutes until Rascul appeared, "hmmm...." he smiled. "Lookie who we have here!" He didn't seem to rember me. It was kinda of sad. We made such a great connection. It was too bad. "So why are you here?" He asked. I shrugged. "Don't expect to survive much longer. Hehehehahahah!" He laughed.

sorry it took me 4ever by the way this may end sad! Cat made sad out!

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