Unexpected phone call

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Note: Marzia and Pewds are only friends in this story, just so you know!:D

P.o.v Pewds

I woke just in time. Only ten minuets left, before i am going to play with Cry. I rushed to the bathroom, and brushed my teethes and did my hair. I don't want to look bad for Cry after all.. I skipped breakfast, and made my way to the computer. I had a funny feeling in my belly, for some strange reason. Just like butterflies. Maybe i am just hungry, but there's no time for eating now. I opened up the computer, and logged on Skype. I clicked on the green phone, and soon Crys face was on my screen. "Sup?" His voice low and raspy. But sure, it VERY early in the morning where he is. It sounded sexy though, but i didn't dare tell him. I know how much he hate it, when people comment about his voice. "Hey, bro!" Ready for the game?!" I asked a bit to exited, but he didn't seem to notice.

-After the game-

I closed the computer after saving. We had already said, that it was just for fun, that we wouldn't to put it on YouTube. But I saved anyway, it's nice to have as a memorie. I laughed a little, and walked to the kitchen. I have got pretty hungry, since i didn't get any breakfast. I took a piece bread with Nutella. I smiled, Cry loves Nutella. I grabbed the remote, and sat down on the couch. I slowly drifted away to sleep..

I woke when my phone rung just beside my ear. i groaned, sat up, and rubbed my eyes. I looked at the screen, i haven't been sleeping that long. I answered the phone, before i could look at the name. "Hello?" I could hear my own raspy 'mornig' voice. "Feeeeelix!" The high, girly voice made my groan again. I already knew who it was. "Hey, whats up Marzia?" I could almost feel her jump around the flat, of pour excitement. I couldn't help, but roll my eyes at her. Don't get me wrong here, I really do, love Marzia. I  mean, she is my best girl-friend after all. But sometimes, she is a little annoying. She would call me up at 3am, just for telling me about her new shoes, or something just as dumb. But, to be honest,  i can't live without her. "You will never believe what happened the other day!.." I smiled a little, but already there stopped listening. She normally never get to the point anyway. All i have to do, is say 'yes' or 'no' somewhere in between. I have got new mobile subscription just for her. Before, did i only have three hours talking, now i have ten. And still, she talk them all away. "Can you believe she did that?!.. I can't.." I just node my head, though she can't see. I have a feeling, that she know i'm doing it.  She really DO know me that well. After a hour walking around the flat, and listening to her talk about everything, she finally stopped. I didn't stop, knew she waren't all done yet. "What about you and Cry..?" What? I froze and looked up with wide eyes. What did she mean by that? My heart started beating faster and faster for some unknown reason, and my hands got sweaty. "Uhm, w-what do y-you mean?" She laughed through the phone, and i swear i could hear the smug smile on her lips. "C'mon Felix, i know you have a crush on him! Why don't you just say it?!" My eyes widened even more, and the phone nearly fell from my hand. Why am i even getting upset about this?! I don't have crush on Cry! Sure he is nice, good looking and have a sexy voice.. But no! "NO i have NOT!" I sounded really childish there, but i don't care. "Okay, okay lets just say then.. Calm down.." She giggled. A low grumble left my mouth, but i kept listening. "Okay, so i though, you never really do anything else beside sit at home and play video games, so why don't you go visit him?" She said with her 'oh, i'm so smart' voice. Did she really mean that? I can't just call him like: 'Oh hey Cry, so i was wondering if i could come visit you for the next week? great! See ya' Yeah, no.. "I know what you are thinking, and yes you can! Now i hang up, and you go call Cry. I know you can do it, okay, see ya! Love you!" With that she hung up, and i groaned frustrated. I mean, yeah it would be great to visit Cry again, and have some fun time. But i just can't call him like that. maybe i should go for it? He is my best friend after all. I opened the contact list, and started searching for Cry. Once i found it, and bought the phone to my ear, that when i started to panic. What am i going to say?! What if he says no?! before i could think more about it, the 'beeping' sound despaired, and his voice came through the phone. "Hello?" Oh shit! My whole body strated trapling, and i couln't find my own voice. "Oh, uhm.. H-hi Cry, it's me. Uhm, I was just calling to tell you, that i'm coming to visit you! So don't make any plans for the next week, please." I couln't  wait for him to answer, so i contained. "Okay, i will take the next plain, and yeah.. bye!" I hung up before he could say anything. I hold the phone hard agains my chest, as i tried to caths my breath. Okay, seems like i gonna hury!

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