Shared love and lust

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P.o.v Pewds

I woke next morning, when the sun shined trough the window, and straight down in my face. I don't care though. As soon i sat up in bed, pictures started streaming to my head. Crys trembling body under my hands, neck so close and to me lips. The way his eyes widened when i squeezed his sides, and the shivers there kept running over his body. So perfect, so goddamn beautiful. I shook my head, and looked at the clock on the stand table. 7am? Guess cry aren't up yet then. I remember the sound of the keyboard, and the small grumble i heard last night, before i fell asleep. Probently playing a game, or so. The bed made a little sound, as i jumped out of it. I run my fingers trough my hair, put on a T-shirt, and run down the stairs. The house is quit, and nothing special is in sight. I look around the living-room, and spotted something on the bookshelf. As i made my way towards it, i can see that it's something white? When i'm right in front of the bookshelf, i can't see the small figure anymore. It's in top of the bookshelf, and after a minute or so, standing on tiptoes, i finally get it. A 'Sup guy'? I can't help, but laugh. The little white figure with two legs, look quit cute. Actually, it look just like the one i got in one of my fan-mail. I wonder if there was an condom with this one too? The now usual smug smile, return to my lips. I remember how awkward i felt, getting that box. A small laugh escape my lips, and i turned the little guy around in my hand. He remind me of Cry pretty much, i have to say. His stone-face, and the: 'I-don't-give-a-singe-fuck' look. But also the small red cheeks. Cry always blush, and when he do so, he always look like a little boy. The way his whole face turns red, and the way he try to hide it by looking at the floor. It's the cutest think i have ever seen. I put the little doll back, and made my way to the couch. When i'm on my way to grab the remote, i spot Crys laptop on the table. I turned on the tv, and looked out of the door, to make sure Cry is not on his way down. I put down the TV remote, and turned on the laptop. Just as i though ,he dosn't have an code on. I know Cry well enough, to say he is to lazy to make one. The smug smile is back, as i open up his YouTube. He once told me i could look whenever i wanted to, course he didn't have anything interesting on it. So actually, i am not snugling around in his things. I know, that it's not an excuse, but it's good enough for me. As soon i am on YouTube, i move the mouse up in the corner and click on the 'Historic' button. I bit my lip, as the red line run over the screen in the top. it's only a few seconds it takes, but it feels like years. The pictures come to view, and  i started scrolling down. My eyes slide over every single video Cry have been watching. I stop as i spot a video i remember. 'Pewdiecry (Safe and sound)'. I have seen this a few times before, don't know why though. A small smile spread out on my lips, when more videos followed down. Seems like Cry have been watching some Pewdiecry lately. My smile gets even bigger, as the videos kept coming. I can fell the evilness in it too. "What would you say, to make some of those pictures to reality huh Cry?.." I small-talk to myself. I open up for his pictures too, and opened some of his maps. All  blood in my body streamed straight down to my lower religion, as the dawned pictures of Cry and me covered the entire screen. A small groan left my mouth. Holy shit.. My eyes fell on one pic to the right. Me on all four, and Cry on top. My mouth open, and so is his. His dick deep down in my butt, and hand around my lenght. Cum all over us. I pressed my legs hard together, but it didn't help. I closed the laptop, and put it aside. My hand finding its way down to the HUGE bulge in my pants to cover up. My breath heavy and sloppy. Crys moan, from, his dream last night, kept replaying in my head, and didn't help the situation much.

P.o.v Cry

I slowly got out of bed, and made my way downstairs. I could hear the T.V. in the living-room, and when i entered, i saw Pewds on the couch. Only in pyjamas pants, and a v-neck T-shirt. One arm behind his head, and legs spread apart. I swallow, and made my way towards him. I stooped right in my movement, as i spotted my laptop on the table. Shit, i must have forgotten to take it with me, when i got to bed last night. I looked at Pewdie, and then back at the laptop. Wait, i didn't leave it like that! My eyes widened, and i felt Pewds eyes on me. "Uhm.. H-have you been using my laptop?" I stuttered, as i kept looking between him and the pc. I made my way over to him, and sat down beside him. A smile formed on his lips, and he looked back at the TV. "Yeah.." He mumbled, and my mouth fell open too. "O-okay.. Can i ask, w-what did you 'exactly' use it to?" My voice quiet, but still low. My heart picked up speed in my chest, as his smile twisted from normal to smug. He didn't move his eyes from the T.V. though. "Nothing special.. Just checking out your YouTube," Fuck! My heart started running like a crazy horse in my chest, and i did everything to hold my breath steady. "W-what did you watch on my YouTube then?" Why can't i just stop stuttering!? I sound so dumb! He now looked at me through the eye corner. He sat up and faced me. My eyes focusing on everything else, than him. "Oh, i was just checking out your historic," he said in a really calm voice. I swallowed once again, and finally looked him in the eyes. Oh those ocean blue eyes, they are so beautiful. I returned to reality,  as pewds leaned a bit in. "I see you like watching Pewdiecry..?" My heart going all crazy, and my palms got all sweaty. I coulden't get myself to say anything. I don't know what it should be either. My cheeks burning red, just like the rest of my face. He laughed, and my eyes carefully watching his hand, there slowly made its way towards my side. "I looked in your pictures too.." Fuck.. The pictures. He saw the freaking pictures!? My face burning like hell, and my t-shirt starting to get wet on the back. I can't see his eyes for my own hair, but that smug smile of his, is enough. I felt like my heart where trying to escape from my chest. Can't i just get out of here?! His tongue slod out, and licking his puffy lips. I looked away, but it was to late. My jeans where already tight. I licked my own lips. I could really well use some water now. Pewds eyes are burning on me. "is that why you get these dreams..?" He asked. Now my world completely stopped. My brain forgetting all about, what just happened for few seconds ago. "How do you know that?!" My voice height and a bit shocked. I turned completely, and met his eyes, trying to read them. I didn't get anything. He just laughed, and before i knew it ,his hand where on my side, under my shirt. He slowly leaned in, and his fingers trailed along my bare skin. I bit my button lip, trying to hold back a moan. "I heard you the other night.." He said with a low raspy voice: "Those low moans of yours really do make it hard.." He kept pushing forwards, and soon he was on all four on top of me. My eyes trying to escape the dark in his, so instead they trailed down along his toned abs. I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself calm. The couch giving a bit after under us, as he leaned more down. His left arm beside my head, and the his right hand dangerously close to my left nipple. My breath started getting heavy and wet. His fingertips leaving goosebumps on my skin. "Couldn't it be fun to make those pictures to reality?" He whisper in my ear. A low moan escaped me lips. He smiled a little, and his finger started circling around my nipple. I can't help, but lift my body up against him. The metallic taste of blood started coming, as i bit harder and harder down on my button lip. "You know Cry.. I can do whatever you want me to.." He whisper once again in my ear. "You just have to tell me.." I didn't say anything, just kept quiet. He stopped his movement, and i can't take the way his fingertips are touching me, but not moving. Ugh, i need him so bad. "But if you don't want me to, i can stop?" His voice now a bit more gentle, but still low and raspy. I couldn't get myself to say anything, but when i felt his body lift from mine, i maneged to grab his hand.  "Ugh.. No.. Don't go.." My voice surprisingly strong, for the weakness i felt. My body keep searching for his, and my mind slowly carrying my away. His perfectly teeths showing in a smile, as he lean back down over me. His crotch incs from mine. "Tell me what i did in your dream, yeah?" His voice just as lustful as his eyes. My eyes widened behind my eyelashes, and a faint blush crept over my cheeks. The  way he is so calm, when he know i'm out of mind makes me fucking insane. My pants are so tight, it's hurting. "What did i do Cry?.." Stop fucking teasing, and just fuck me already! "J-just.." I can't finish. I don't have air enough. "Just what cry? You need to tell me, or else I can't do anything.." My hands on his bare back, and nails in his shoulders. I don't like you teasing me, a voice say in my head.. "Just.. Just fuck me already!" I moan out loud, but i didn't care. I need him inside me, so freaking bad, and it's right now. He laugh and smile. "As you wish.." Before i can say anything else, his lips are on mine. A low moan leaved my lips, but disappear in his mouth. His lips are so sweet and soft. His tongue swept my button lip, and i happily led him in. I fell his body press more down on mine, and i tightened my grab around his shoulders. We fougt for dominance, but it didn't last long. Pewds won. We broke apart, when the need for air became to big. "You have no idea, how long i have wanted to do that," i told him, and licked the tip of his ear. He led out short moan, but more than enough for me. "Fuck Cry.." He grumbled, and i could feel his hand slide down, and start fumbling with the button of my T-shirt. It didn't take more than two seconds, before my shirt hit the floor. His long fingertips slideing all the way down my 'not toned stomach'. The way he looks at me makes me a bit scarred, and uncomfortable. He think I'm fat. Why does he have to be so goddamn perfect, and not me?! I "Beautiful.. So beautiful" He sweet-talk into me ear. A weird tiny sound leave my mouth, and i can feel me cheeks grow pink. Where did that come from? My mind is so confused, i don't know what to do. Pewds now sitting on top of me. Slowly, painfully grinding down on me. I can't hold back the moans, they just keep streaming out of me. It dosn't help to bite my own lip. "Ugh, you look so hot when you bite your lip," Pewds groan. His voice so different, it dosn't sound like him at all. It's so low and raspy, so freaking sexy. I press my eyes hard together, afraid of meting his eyes. His hand are not on my chest anymore, instead he have placed both arms on either side of my head. The tip of his tongue licking all the way up on my neck. My head automatically fall backwards, allowing him more space. His teethes nibbling my skin, and leaving burning red marks. He then bite a bit harder, right on my sweet spot. "Ugh!.." I lift myself up, wanting him as close as possible. This is going to slow for my liking. I reached down and grabbed the button of his shirt, and lifting it over his head. His sandy blonde hair followed a bit, as i pulled it over his head. Though that, it still fall perfectly over his head. His perfectly toned abs came to view. My pants got more and more thigh, as he grinded harder and harder down. "I'm gonna cum in my own pants, if you keep going like that!.." My own voice broke in between the groans and moans. He smiled, and i could feel his fingertips making their way down to my jeans button.

You're so cute when you blush (PewDieCry One shot, mature)Where stories live. Discover now