Unreadable moves

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P.o.v Cry

I woke on the couch, memories from last nights dream already streaming in. i groaned, and sat up. My body feels heavy, but my dick is in war. I groaned even louder, and put my head in my hands. I scanned the room, and saw Pewds suitcase in the corner. He may have used the extra key. My eyes widened, he is here?! I jumped to my feet, and stormed up the stairs, but slowed down on my way to the bathroom. I took a long cold shower, to cool down my warrior. I dried myself, put back on my clothes, and walked out of the bathroom. The clock says 8am, so Pewds may steel be asleep. My cheeks reddened a little, of the tough of him sleeping in the guest room. I decided to make some breakfast for us, and walked down the kitchen to make some pancakes. The only thing i can make, without exploding the whole kitchen. I was just done with the last pancake, and had putted it on the plate, when i heard footsteps coming down the stairs. My eyes lid up, and i stormed out of the kitchen, around the corner, just to see Pewds standing right there. I jumped un him, and snuggled my nose in his neck. "Whoa Cry, someone is exited to see me?" Pewds laughed, and wrapped his arms around me too. I mumbled a quiet 'yes' against his shoulder, while i  discreetly took a deep breath of his fragrance. I pulled away, and looked at Pewds. He was only wearing his pyjama pants, so i had free view to his very toned abs. "I have made breakfast!" I yelled,  and  jumped up and down like a little child. Pewds laughed of my excitements, and smiled. "Well, shall we eat then?" He asked, and looked at me with that beautiful face of his. "Oh,  yeah, sure.." I said, and we made our way back to the kitchen. I placed the huge plate of pancakes in front of him, and his eyes widened. "I gotta be very hungry, if i have to eat all them!" He joked, and put one on his plate. "I have really missed you, Cry." He said with his mouth full of pancake. I laughed a little of him, but i couldn't stop the blush from creeping up on my cheeks. "Me too.." Pewds just smiled at sly smile, and returned to his pancakes. I turned my back to him, and opened the fridge. Just so he wouldn't see my red face. I took a glass of apple juice, and then sat down on my usual spot in front of him. Pewds led out a low moan, and then looked at me: "This taste absolutely delicious!" My eyes widened once again. "Oh, uhm t-thanks.." I mumbled under my breath. pewds laughed a little, and leaned back in the chair. "You look rater cute when you blush, Cry" My head shout up, an i looked socked at him. "W-what?" I stuttered, but at the same time smiled at him. "Yeah you know, you always blush when someone tells you something nice.. Like if i commented that perfectly butt of yours." My eyes was just about to fall out now, and my mouth fell open. Did he really just say that? Or is it my mind playing with me? I flushed pure red this time, and was unable to hide it. Pewds didn't do anything, beside just sitting there with that smug smile taped on his face. What the fuck? "oh well, but what do you want to do today?" I asked, when i finally felt strong enough to look at him again. His eyes got a bit darker, and he folded his arms over his chest. "I dunno, Cry. Maybe just play some video games, and watch some movies?" That actually sounded pretty good in my ears. "Sure! But what about we go for a little shopping tour first? I could really use some new clothes.." I said, before standing and taking the dishes. "Sounds great.." He trailed off. "But better go get ready then." I nodded and he skipped out of the kitchen. A smile made its way to my lips. Maybe I do have a small 'crush' on him, but he is still my best friend, and i love spending time with him!

P.o.v Pewds

I made my way up to my room again. A huge smile on my face. I think you can say, i'm rater proud of myself right now. I went to the bathroom, brushed me teeth and did my hair. Time for shopping.

-Later same day-

The clock was nearly 5pm, when we got home. Cry walked through the door, and me trailing behind. "What do you want for dinner?" Cry asked over his shoulder. I really wanted to say 'you..' but kept it inside. I smiled a sly lustful smile, and my eyes liked on Crys prefect body. The way his muscles reflex when he moves, and the way his hair fall in front of his eyes. God, i'm so dirty! I shock my head, and pushed the though away. "Dossen't matter to me.." I mumbled. Cry nodded and walked to the kitchen. Oh that ass! I would sure love me dick inside it.. Yup! That could be great.. i smiled a stupid silly smile, and walked to the stereo system. What is wrong with my mind?! When i was just on my way to pick up my own phone, i spotted Cry's right beside. My smile got even bigger. I looked over my shoulder, just to make sure Cry still is in the kitchen. I turned my attention back to the phone, and scrolled through the play-list. soon my eyes fell on a song in the button of the play-list. I could feel my eyes get small, at same time the evil smile got bigger. I hit play, and soon 'I Want Your Bite by Chris Cocker' started playing. Could this be even better? I bit my lip as the intro started playing.

P.o.v Cry

I started to make some pasta, since i don't really have anything else in the house. The water boiled, and i added the pasta. I don't hope he want some special food? My thoughts carried me away for a moment, but i soon got back to reality when some music started playing. What the heck? I stopped for a moment to listen. Wait, don't i know this song? The spoon i held in my hand soon hid the floor, and my mouth fell wide open, when the song got to the kitchen. A huge blush covered my whole face. I know this song, but where do he know it from?! Pictures started running in my head, as the song kept playing. My breath got heavy, and my eyes didn't know where to look. Shit.. This song just remind me so much of Pewds. My mind going back, to the last time i heard this song. Deep breath, head back, hand around myself, as i wanked it of. I shook my head, hard. No no no no no, i can't think of this now. I started spinning, why do i always do that!? An arm grabbed mine, and i soon smashed against the wall. I groaned a little in pain, but as soon my eyes focused again, i stopped breathing. "What's wrong Cry?" Pewds asked. I couldn't get myself to say anything. Pewds right in front my, hair falling in front of his eyes, and teethes shoving in a sly smile. i swallowed, and looked beside his head. "Why are you so upset Cry..?" Pewds eyes burning their way trough my soul. there's something about him, and his eyes, there just scare the fuck out of my. But at the same time make my jeans pretty thigh. "Do you know this song Cry..?" He asked and leaned a bit in. His lips so close, just a Inc from my neck. I shock my head a bit to fast. A low laugh left his puffy pink lips. "That's' wired, since i found it on your phone..." My eyes widened. MY PHONE?! I nearly fell to the floor, as these words left his lips. "Oh u-uhm.. I-i-i.." I stuttered, and my hands got sweaty. I couldn't think of anything to say. He laughed again, and leaned even more in. He placed his right leg in between my legs, and his chrus dangerously close to the grooving bulge in my pants. His arms on either side of my head, and lips on moving on my neck. Doing all for holding back a moan, i bet my lip and closed my eyes. "Those it remind you of something?" There was a short pause, before he continued. "I don't know.. Maybe a dream?.." My heart skipped a beat, and my eyes nearly fell out. Memories from last night rushed to my brain. Pictures of pewds on top of me, with tongue running along my neck near my weak spot. A shiver run down my body, and i leaned hard against the wall. Trying to fall through, and escape from his body. My whole body socked in sweat, and heart going all crazy. I think i'm gonna die.. His hands fell down, and the rest of his body moved too. My head shot op, and i looked confused at him. His eyes turned back to normal, and he just stood there smiling. "See ya tomorrow Cry, sleep well.." He said and walked to the door. I just stared at him, without saying anything. He looked over his shoulder, and his dirty blonde hair flying around his perfect head. "Night Cry.." He said, winked, and before i knew it, he was gone. Did that really just happened? I leaned against the kitchen table, with my head low. I wanted to think things trough, but somehow i couldn't think about anyting. My mind all blank. Who does he think he are? What gives he the right to fuck with my brain like that? This man, is going to be my death.

You're so cute when you blush (PewDieCry One shot, mature)Where stories live. Discover now