Game On

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Just wanna say sorry I kinda disappeared for awhile, school's stressing me out since it's close to the end of the year, which means there's a billion tests I have to study for. I promise I'll try to update more regularly, but it certainly won't be easy until it's the middle of May. I hope you guys understand and the enjoy the chapter!

"We should all try to get some sleep I guess." Amy sighed with a poorly disguised tinge of disappointment in her tone as they all clambered back into Dark's car to drive back to the hotel. She already knew she wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that Mark was still in the hospital without her and that the competition was tomorrow. She can't even imagine going on without him there.

"I don't think I could sleep since the competition's tomorrow." Signe admitted.

The others murmured their agreements except Dark, who nodded in agreement but mainly his focus was trained on the deserted, dimly lit road in front of them.

"I'm more of a night owl anyway if anyone wants to hang out for a bit longer. I brought my PlayStation with me and figured out how to hook it up to the tv." Anti shrugged.

"I may take you up on that." Jack chimed in with an excited grin. He hadn't played video games since he found out he was competing, which was about a month ago which doesn't seem that long, but felt like forever since he was used to playing games on a daily basis for YouTube.

"Fabulousness like me needs their beauty sleep." Felix pretended to do a dramatic hair flip, which didn't really work since his hair was so short.

"If everyone's okay with it, the guys could play video games at my room and the girls can...I don't know, do what girls do. Sound good?" Anti glanced back at the group.

They all agreed eagerly.

Once they arrived, Dark and Anti led the guys to their room while the girls went to Amy and Mark's room.

"What game do you guys wanna play? I have Mario Kart-"

"Hell yeah I wanna play Mario Kart!" Jack cut Anti off, earning laughs from the others.

"What character do you want?" Felix asked Jack as Dark set the game up.

"I'm going with the Yosher." Jack nicknamed Yoshi.

"I'm choosing a random one." Anti closed his eyes and picked a character.

"Princess Daisy?!?" Anti frowned in dismay while Dark laughed at him. He stuck with the character he had gotten, although he didn't seem too happy with it.

"It's a me, Darkio!" Dark said in a surprisingly good imitation of Mario.

"Screw choosing randomly, I'm being my bae Princess Peach." Felix announced.

"Don't tell Marzia." He added jokingly.

"No promises." Dark muttered teasingly under his breath as Jack chose the Mushroom Cup.

"Let the race begin!" Felix cheered as the first race started.

"I'm sure Mark will be fine, the doctor said he wanted to keep Mark for the night just to be sure." Signe assured Amy for at least the one hundredth time.

Marzia, Signe, and Amy were sitting cross legged on Amy's bed talking while Amy alerted Mark's fans of what happened since they were getting worried about him. Mark hadn't contacted his fans since he had learned he would be competing.

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