Author's Note

327 11 7

I'm wanting to host a contest after the book is finished, and I have the prize already picked (won't spoil it yet even though I'm really tempted to do so), but I don't know what to do as far as the contest itself. Anybody have any suggestions? I was thinking having people write what their ideal ending would be, but idk since I feel like a lot of people already do that.

I want my contest to be unique and something people would like to do, but also have it be challenging.

Also, I think a couple of people got confused with the name Infelix. It's not actually Felix, but his dark side like Anti and Dark. I tried coming up for a cool name for him since I though just calling him Dark Felix would be kinda stupid. But anyway, I'm super excited about the contest and I can't wait to see what good ideas you all have!

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