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Finally! Looking over at the picnic table I saw Bella assuring Ethan and his family about their differences. God was Bella perfect. Shaking my head I saw her pale hands intertwined with tan ones and I cringed inwardly at the sight. Zeus started flirting with Scarlet who kept pushing him back, while both Dream and Sky talked. Dream kept smiling at Luke, and I smiled at my little sister. Was this how Marina and Aaron felt when Bella started dating? Happiness but the urge to protect them? Apparently, dad only had the urge to protect his kids because he glared daggers at the boy.

"Superman, you aren't gaining anything by staring daggers at fourteen year old's. Now, Ethan, Bella, Zoe," she hesitated at the last name but said it nonetheless just with heavy disgust, "Luke come here. It's time we tell our kids about our history." Bella sprinted over to mom and smiled. "Does this include the massive puppy?" She asked innocently and mom looked at her oddly then nodded. "The massive puppy, a hellhound?" Mom asked dad who looked at the young girl. "I think. Let her believe what she wants Annabeth." He replied and Bella cast a murderous glare at my parents.

"Well, how about we start with this? Do you remember the lessons about all the gods and goddesses from the Greek culture we taught you?" Hazel started and every kid nodded slowly in puzzlement. "Remember the demigods?" Quipped Rachel her green eyes as green as one of Katie's and Blossom's flower petals. Again, every kid nodded. "So, let's just throw this out there. We're demigods except two of us." Percy said and the kids just gawked at their parents, including me. "Way to put that out there shark brain." Hissed my mom and Percy looked at her in pain but looked away.

"Shark brain is correct though. We'll introduce ourselves by our Godly parent." Mom said smiling and looked at my dad intently. "I'm son of Jupiter." He said and I just burst out laughing at my older brother's face. "Then why am I named Zeus?" My brother asked incredulously and our parents just shrugged at him. "Daughter of Athena." It was believable that my mom was a daughter of wisdom. Everyone then announced their parentage; Kayle, Luke, Travis, and Connor are children of Hermes, Leo and Charles a child of Hephaestus, Frank a child of Mars, Hazel a daughter of Pluto, Nico and Biana children of Hades, Katie a daughter of Demeter, Silena a child of Aphrodite, Will a child of Apollo, Abbi a child of Dionysus. Which left Zoe, Rachel, and Artemis.

"What about Rachel, Zoe, and Artemis?" Derek or Travis, Or Connor or Luke asked Annabeth and they looked at the woman. "I'm a child of Zeus and Leto." Artemis smiled at the kids and I hit realization. "Your the actual goddess Artemis." I said and Luna's mom nodded. "Smart. I never woulda guessed my parents are a major hero nor a goddess. They're SO embarrassing sometimes." Looking to my right I locked eyes with milky sea green ones, and the girl had auburn caramel hair. "So are my siblings." She chuckled and smiled at me. "I bet all of these kids think their siblings are as their parents. It's odd picturing them as heroes." Luna remarked sitting down by me. Nodding my head, I looked at everyone's parents.

"What about Zoe and Rachel?" Blossom asked, and Naricissa nodded. "I'm just the Oracle. I'm no demigod." Rachel smiled looking at her daughter Scarlet. Both had the red hair but Scarlet's was curly and longer than Rachel's having her father's glistening blue eyes with Rachel's freckles.On the other hand, Nichole had short blond and red hair with green eyes and tan skin. "Zoe is the daughter of-" Connor started but Zoe glared at him evilly. "Thy shall not speak. I am the daughter of Atlas and Pleione." She replied and everyone nodded. "Weapons! My kids shall not have the threat of death again without us. We have to give them weapons!" Abbi shouted, and the adults agreed.

"Sammy shall have Poison Viper, Rose her powers." Kayle said and Rose looked frantic. "Cool! Do we all have powers too?" Connor, Travis, Luke, or Derek said and Katie nodded uncertain. "What are they?" Sammy asked and it was a bad sign when mom shrugged. "But I have an idea. I'll... be right back." With that mom ran inside and the adults shared a knowing look. "What powers do you think you have?" Asked Luna beside me and I shrugged. "Smarts like my mom. I don't know you?" I replied and Luna rolled her eyes pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. "Great archery powers? I can talk to fishes? Something probably along those lines." She replied and Annabeth returned with a woman. This woman didn't look much like anyone I've ever seen before.

Black hair framed her sweet face in ringlets, her brown eyes warm with a soft fire. She wore an honest smile with no makeup at all like most girls here. Even Cassidy, legacy of Aphrodite wore little makeup. Her attire included plain humble dresses, a linen shawl over her head. The scent of wood smoke and toasted s'mores radiated off of her and I thought she was beautiful in a plain, modest way. Like she didn't care. "Hello. Lovely fire." Quickly the unfamiliar woman was at the fire sitting by it. "Artemis. I see you do not regret your decision?" She asked Artemis who shook her head no then looked at Luna. "She is a beautiful one that Luna. Bolt seems to think."

Blushing, I saw Luna blushing as well. "Honey, why is Hestia here?" Questioned dad and mom shrugged. "Yeah owl head, why is she here?" Percy taunted and mom inhaled and exhaled sharply then walked to dad. "Hestia, m'lady. We would like to know the powers of our children." Mom told the woman who's eyes reflected the fire and I saw anticipation in mom's eyes. "Ah, you do not like not knowing this Annabeth do you?" Asked Hestia in a teasingly manner and Percy sneered at her. "You feel what EVERYONE else feels now brainy." Teased dad kissing my moms forehead causing their kids to gag and 'puke'.

"Rose the power of fire and Sammy has the power of well, yours Kayle but not. Bella can cause and cure insanity, also having the ability to turn people into dolphins and summon any wanted drink. Marina can grow grape vines and can also summon any drink. Aaron can summon a skeletal army. All can shadow travel and talk to ghosts. Derek can shadow travel as well as picking locks. Travis is extremely cunning with the ability to summon a hellhound. Marie can talk to ghosts and pick pocket well. Cassidy is all about love and like her brothers can make inventions. Connor and Luke can pick pocket and can pick locks, Blossom the same powers of her mom. Scarlet is the oracle, Nichole is basically Apollo."

"Chang can fight extremely well, Jewel can summon jewels. Naricissa can strategize well as does Dream, and Emily can shape-shift. Dream is intelligent and can strategize battle tactics well and Bolt is also intelligent and can fight quite well. Zeus has power over winds and lightning and Sky can change the weather. Luna is great at archery, can talk to animals, and most water powers, and Ethan can pick pocket well, lock picking, great swordsmanship and is good at archery. I advice the kids to all sleep on this as this was a lot to take in with all this."

Everyone just blinked and it was finally Bella who broke the silence. But she wasn't talking to us. "Hello! You look very beautiful. When are you from?" She asked the air and even her siblings and her DAD, son of the Underworld and stuff is confused. "Maybe she is going insane?" Zeus muttered to Lester who nodded in agreement. "The 1900's? Wow. That's cool. What's your name?" Bella said again and she waited for a minute and beamed. "That's a beautiful name. Would you like to meet some... others?" Another minute passed and Bella nodded. "Everyone meet Marie Di Angelo. The first one." Nico and Bianca stared gawking at the fourteen year old and then looked at the ghost in which I couldn't see. "Mom?" Asked Nico in a small voice and Bianca started tearing up. "Let's have the kids get some rest yes?" Silena smiled, and that's exactly what happened.

But I know for a fact that I couldn't sleep. Neither could anyone else because their messages were blowing up my phone. Peering at the iPhone, I saw the latest texts.
Luke-HERMES PEOPLE! We're going to the fair... it's time we turn our new powers to use right?
Sammy-Hades yes man!
Connor-You got it.
Dream-Boys, you know better!
Travis-Do we dreamy? Do we really? Your the legacy of Athena
Cracking a smile, I imagined the young girl shadow traveling to our friends houses and BAM! There are dolphins in the room while she drinks her drink. My phone beeped a million times to see, everyone saying clear.
Bella-Good we understand each other. Oh, I can also make you find your new home in an insane asylum so watch your backs...

With the threat of Bella the last thing I saw and thought of, I fell into a peaceful slumber.

First-Timers (A PJO and HoO legacy story) COMPLETETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang