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"We're taking you guys home." I told Rose and Bella, who still had a black tint to her fingers and eyes. "And you guys are coming with." They might've lived on their own for a while, but they just watched one of them die because of a girl turning into a shadow. "Fine." Bella widened her eyes at realizing how much is coming. "Connor!" She protested and I waved her off. Never found her comments significant. "How though?" Marie asked and I became dumb founded. I didn't think of that. "Jules-Albert!" "Bella, shush!" She fixed me with a cold hard purple stare, and I looked away, not letting her see my wince. With the black tint to her eyes, it was easier to shy away from her. "Call him." Rose urged her and Bella rolled her eyes. In seconds, there was a long car, the driver invisible to us. "Hop in." Bella grinned. The door swung open. Micheal looked at Lacy who frowned at him. Demi gripped both of their hands, and then dropped Lacy's, who grabbed it again, dragging her siblings onto the limo. Rosa looked at the open car door warily, and Hermosa squeezed her shoulder. "We're leaving Nathan." Sniffed the young girl. Hermosa shook her head, and smiled. "Where ever we are. He is too mi amor. No se preocupe." (Do not fret.) Bella approached the two, and murmured in their ears. "Please." Hermosa smiled and Bella returned it, and Rosa smiled as well. Rosa hopped in the car. William looked at Hermosa with a grin that was no good. Both got into the car, one jumped, one got dragged. Marie stepped in cautiously and Aileen got in with a quick stride. Offering my hand, Rose took it, and stepped into the limo, dragging me with. Ethan and Bella came last.

"To Boston." I said happily and my friends from home each flashed a grin. But, three of our grins, they were sad. Guess who. Two of us won't be returning to moms, one of us won't be returning to a kid to take care of. "I got a question." Bella piped up, earning the attention of all. "Who are your guy's parents? I know Lacy's, but..." her voice trailed off. "I'm Micheal McLean-Green, son of Piper and Alice McLean-Green. Demi's my sister." Micheal grinned, and Demi nodded. "Hermosa Prophet, daughter of Octavian and Reyna Prophet." Hermosa glanced at her sister. "Rosa Prophet!" Rosa squeaked cheerfully. "Marie Markowitz, daughter of Lou Ellen and Cecil Markowitz." Marie flashed a smile. "Aileen Markowitz." The sister of Marie was focused on the card game she made appear. She was playing with Micheal. When Micheal was giving his and Demi's introduction, she switched the cards around. I stifled laughter. "William Rodriguez, Clarrisse and Chris Rodriguez." William said, scouring the limo for some food or drinks until his girlfriend slapped his arm. "Godly." Rose demanded and they groaned. "Hermes, hands raised." Aileen snapped, raising her hand, as did Marie and William. "Markowitz are of Hecate and Hermes. Rodriguez is of Hermes and Ares. Prophets are Apollo and Bellona. McLean-Green, Aphrodite and Demeter." Lacy said helpfully, and Ethan cocked his head. "Bellona's the Roman goddess of war?" He said and Hermosa nodded proudly. "Daughters of Reyna Avila Rameriz-Arellano." Rosa announced. "And of Octavian Prophet." She added.

The car ride was amusing. Aileen and Marie somehow summoned food and William grinned slyly. "FOOD FIGHT!" He roared, throwing some chicken at Demi. Hermosa stood up beside her boyfriend, and the two grinned smugly. Two kids of war. What could go wrong? Micheal got with his own girlfriend, who could summon more and more food. Lacy climbed over to Marie, mimicking her brothers moves. Rosa and Demi paired up, despite knowing they'd lose. Bella was fading into the shadows to steal food and throw it back, or giving it to Ethan, her partner. Who threw with perfect aim and speed. His girlfriend had the aim, but also the shadows. Me and Rose knew everything could go wrong. Harnessing my Demeter side, I raised crops. Which included food. Rose stole the food, and built a catapult out of nothing and used that to fling cooked food at the others. Until the whole sitting area was covered in food, we threw food. Aileen cleaned up the mess. Outside, it was pouring. Ethan threw a drachma at the window, and whispered some words. In a moment, on the window you could see his tan dad with blond hair, the same icy eyes as his son. "Ethan!" Yelled Luke, and Ethan smiled sheepishly. "Gods, I'm so glad your okay. With your mother gone, and-" "Dad, calm down. I saw the news. We're on our way now. Can't wait to see you and Phoebe." His father looked like he wanted to say more the way he was smiling. "And someone else." Luke waved his hand through the message. "Adoption." Ethan breathed.

Bella tossed a drachma at the window, muttering words. The scene was in the living room, and all three of her family members were there. "Bella." Breathed Aaron, the first to notice the Iris Message. Marina turned her head to see her little sister standing. "Il mio piccolo. Sei vivo." (My little one. You're alive.) Nico leading his kids ran to the mist in the living room. "Idiot." Laughed Aaron, and Marina slapped his arm. "We're on our way dad. I'll see you in a tad. Love you guys." And Bella waved her hand. I went next. I muttered, "Show me Travis, Katie, and Blossom Stoll." Giving a drachma. I saw my sister and mom in the garden, hearing my dad's terrible singing. How we got over a depressing moment. "Hi." They turned their heads to me and dad waved and smiled, yelling, "YOUR COMING HOME!" And mom smiled lovingly, saying, "I'll see you soon, love you." How they knew I was coming home, meh. "You thoughtless bastard. Take your sweet fucking time." Hissed my sister, throwing a spade(?) at the message. "Seems a little hurt at Derek's death." I noted sadly. Rose grabbed my shoulder while doing her own IM. On the window, you saw her mother, brother, and father. "MY GIRL!" Leo yelled and Kayle let out a sigh of relief while Sammy glared at me, Ethan, and Bella. "We're on our way. Love you bye." And Kayle ended it. We all shared a grin.

We're coming home guys.

First-Timers (A PJO and HoO legacy story) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now