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Taking a sharp breath, I looked at the sky once more, and then returned back into the suite. Gods, it's cold! Settling into my bed, I yanked the covers all the way to my chin, then stayed awake gazing at the whirring motion of the fan. Turning to the side, I propped myself on my elbow reaching over for my phone and earbuds. Placing the headphones in my ear, I pressed the play button on my phone. 'The Anthem' by Good Charlotte blasted in my ears and I plopped down on my back, singing quietly to the song. "It's a new day, but it all feels old. It's a good life, that's what I am. But every day it all just feels the same." As the sang ended and Green Day came on, my thoughts went to my boyfriend. I missed him. His laugh, crooked grin, the iciness of his eyes. Everything. My eyes started fluttering as I fell asleep, listening to the words, "I walk alone."

In a matter of moments, I had my cousin leaning over me, her red tips dancing in my face. "Wake up! We gotta run!" Rose said, and I groaned, throwing a pillow at her. "But... what if they ain't here?" I asked yet Rose just waved that off. "Leave the next clue. Get in the shower and change." Dammit. If I were her age, then it woulda been equal in the decision whether we stay or not. Grunting, I rolled off the bed then went to the bathroom. Turning the knob, I looked in the mirror. My black and blondish white hair looked like a rats nest, and my eyes were a hazel, bags under 'em. Smirking a bit, I took off my clothes to hop into the steaming shower. Letting my hair and body soak in the hot water, I splattered my lemon scented shampoo on my hand. Raising my hand, I grinned as I itched my head putting the shampoo in. I did the same with the conditioner. Shutting off the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and in my hair. Walking into the suite, I picked out my outfit for the day. Back in the bathroom, I put on a black bra with an overgrown Patriots hoodie lacking a top. I then put on gray sweatpants with black and white vans. Pulling my hair into a high ponytail, I wrapped some hair around the hair tie. Pleased with my appearance, I walked out to see my cousin looking like a country chic.

"I don't see what Connor sees?" Wearing my signature sneer, I watched the hurt face fall off Rose. "Likewise." She smirked as we walked out of the suite to the stairs. Why take the stairs? Rose insisted. Alas we were outside the building. To Pittsburgh. I wanted to. Don't ask. Bringing out my phone, I posted a post on Facebook.

There's thieves, pirates, and penguins! And tons of other bitchy people I suppose. Know where it is, find us... Hope you're doing well...

Tagged- RunCastellan ConnorisKing

Sighing I started walking with my hands shoved deep into the Patriots hoodie. Sniffing the air, I grinned lazily. It smelled like dirty clothes and crisp woods. It smelled like Castellan. Without thinking about my surroundings, I wondered if Ethan had anything that smelled like me. Wondered if he still had my lemony scent in his mind. I wondered- "Move it along hon." Said a feminine voice who had a fruity sing-song voice. Whipping my head, I saw a woman with long, luscious golden cascading curls with kind, warm brown doe eyes. Beside her was a woman with a curly pixie cut and sharp neon blue eyes with freckles and a sly smirk. "Don't be snappy Bella. They're goddesses." Snapped Rose and I nodded slightly. "Think she was blessed by Athena, wouldn't ya Tyche?" The one with the brown eyes murmured ever slightly, and Tyche the other woman nodded. "Tyche... goddess of luck... and Rosy, what do ya see in the other woman?" I asked my cousin who laughed. "She has blond hair with green eyes of course! And her outfit is adorable!" Adorable? All I saw was a jersey, jeans, and slides. "Aphrodite." Aphrodite smiled nicely, and then looked at us. "Your outfits... they're a mess!" She then looked horrified, and ushered us in front of her and Tyche, making us move through the crowd. Why are there goddesses in Pittsburgh?

Alas we stopped moving in an alleyway. "Here's to make your clothes better." With a snap of her fingers, I saw Rose now wearing a strapless pale green sundress flecked with hints of blues and yellows. She wore white heels, and her nails were painted a beautiful yellow. Her makeup consisted of light green eye shadow and black mascara with bubble gum pink lipstick. She looked really beautiful and Connor woulda been weak in the knees. Aphrodite seemed to sense I had no idea of what I looked like myself so Tyche made a mirror appear. I was wearing a maroon quarter sleeve crop top, exposing scars on my stomach. For pants, I wore faded ripped skinny jeans with brown knee high boots. In contrast to the simple braid Rose had, I had two fishtail to the scalp braids, going to the sides. Makeup wise, I had a light gray eyeshadow with brown mascara, a dark maroon on my lips. Rose whistled. "Ethan would love it. But the hoodie is..." Her voice faltered, and I blinked as the Patriots hoodie was on my torso. Looking up, I breathed as I saw tons of things playing in my mind, my cousin, Aphrodite, and Tyche not part of any of them. They seemed happy. But one. It seemed well, that it was innocent, so I watched it play out. 

A woman with black and blond hair who looked around 26 rocked a baby in her arms, singing softly. She had pale skin with Italian features, and her hazel gaze was locked onto the baby in her arms. The baby was tan with tufts of curly brown hair. One eye was an icy blue, the other a harsh purple. Her gurgles dimmed out as her eyes fluttered closed. "Ethan, Christopher, don't bother the Donay's." The woman called out to a man with brown hair and icy eyes and a boy with black hair with mocha brown eyes. "We won't mom." Said the boy rolling his eyes, and the man glared at him. The woman herself simply rolled her eyes before locking her gaze once more on the baby.

I smiled at the scene, and realized that Aphrodite and Tyche were gone. Looking around, I noticed it got dark. How long have I been looking at the scene?! Rose was asleep beside me and before I settled next to her, I told the stars,

"Hey Castellan. Miss and love you. I felt so special when Aphrodite and Tyche, two goddesses, approached me. But, I don't need their attention. Ethan, I need yours. Those nights where we just sat on your couch, my head against your chest, our hands interlaced, they were the highlights. I know saying I miss you won't bring you here, but... I can't act like I don't. I guess I ought to go to sleep... I can see you there. Goodnight hon, I miss your warm embrace and the daily kisses. Hopefully, I'll see you soon. I, I love you."

Ethan's POV

Me and Connor were laying down in the make shift camp and I watched Micheal and Aileen watch over the camp. Before I finally fell asleep, I told the stars,

"How are you di Angelo. It's been hard with your search that you make us do, but I suppose this could be a test. Now I know you wouldn't think of that but, hey? Why not? I hope your waiting. Hope your having fun. I never knew how I fell in love with you, but I'm glad I did. Now, my life is everything but dull. I wish you could text me something, so we could stay up like we used to. People say that all relationships need their space. But, I like ours better when we just sat on my couch watching movies. I gotta go, I'm basically dead. Goodnight princess, I hope your doing okay and not regretting this. We'll meet up soon. I love you."

First-Timers (A PJO and HoO legacy story) COMPLETEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora