A Serious Situation

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Yay! We hit over 1K reads! That's really cool. I hope you guys are enjoying this book (to be honest, I'm not really sure that it's my best work...) I have gotten some great feedback, which I really appreciate! Sorry for not updating more often. I just haven't had a lot of motivation to write lately. But I should be back on track now. Thank you so much for reading!

You lay on the floor with Natemare towering over you. In the chair next to you, Matt struggles and pulls against the ropes holding him to the chair. He's the only one who was actually bound to it. Sean, Mark, and Nate, all lie on the floor. The four of you form what appears to be a circle. Then it happens.

You throw your head back and suddenly struggle to breathe. Your lungs feel as though they are closing, and you can't get any more air. You try to inhale, but no oxygen will come. A cry escapes from your mouth as you feel yourself convulse. Someone is shouting for you, and someone else sounds just as tortured as you. But everything is somewhat muted, as if there is water in your ears. Your vision grows foggy, but instead of seeing black, you see white.

Matt sits helplessly on the chair and watches. The viruses had disappeared almost immediately after the group on the floor began to struggle for air. When you throw your head back, you aren't aware that all the other guys on the floor are doing the same thing. "Nate! (Y/n)!" Matt calls out all of your names, but no one answers. You all appear to be having some sort of seizure.

Then comes something you won't remember. When your vision turns white, Matt sees what is happening. You tilt your head back a little, then freeze. Your convulsions stop. Nothing on you is moving. Not your eyes, not your legs. You stare straight up at the ceiling, eyes unfocused and dialated. You don't even appear to be breathing anymore.

"Mark? Sean!" Matt suddenly realizes how serious the situation is. He yanks on the ropes, but to no avail. Then he gives a particularly hard pull and hears a satisfying snap. Throwing the ropes aside, he stands and rushes over to you and the guys. As soon as he reaches you, you begin to gasp for air again, this time taking deep breaths, and filling your lungs. You roll to your side as your eyes begin to focus.

You hear Sean coughing, hard, as if he's choking. He tries to sit up, but is shaky, and has to lay down again. Nate is already in a sitting position, but his eyes are still dialated and confused. Mark also struggles to sit upright. His brown eyes are also confused, and he is obviously disoriented. Sean holds his head in pain, while Mark looks around the room, trying to figure out what happened.

"Are you guys okay?" Matt asks. You look at him. Unlike the other guys, his face shows more concern than confusion. "I--" you pause, looking at the others, "I don't know." Sean glaces your way, but he now has a weird expression on his face. "Do you know what just happened?" Matt probes. Nate watches, then asks, "Do you?" There is a pause.

"What did it look like?" Mark asks breathlessly. "Well," Matt begins, "the five of you started convulsing and shaking on the floor. I actually think you guys might have had simultaneous seizures. But then you guys all stopped breathing...and just--stared."

You and Nate look at each other, evidently confused. You glance back at the other two, who have shocked expressions on their faces. "What?" You, Nate, and Matt ask at the same time. "They tried to merge," Sean whispers. Your eyes widen as you let that sink in. "But, they failed," Mark said. "And if they hadn't?" Nate asks. Sean hesitates then says, "Then we would be fighting for control."

There is a stunned silence. You feel your breathing become quick. You are trying not to hyperventilate."Wait," Matt says, "if the viruses failed with you, then...where are they now?" All of you sit and think. "They must be here somewhere," Mark says. "We gotta move. Now."

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