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Oikawa was up the next morning, reading lots of manga. He went to the café where he was meeting up with Minako.

"Hi, Minako-chan!" Oikawa exclaimed.

"Hello, Oikawa-san!" Minako exclaimed.

As the two sat down, Minako took out a pile of mangas.

"Here you go!" she exclaimed.

Oikawa smiled.

"So, it's valentine's day," Oikawa said.

"Yeah," Minako said, "So did you get a lot of chocolate from your fangirls?"

Oikawa nodded smiling.

"What about you, Minako-chan?" he asked.

"Just a few boxes," she replied.

After they had talked about the mangas, Minako got up to leave. Oikawa picked up the mangas but suddenly a heart shaped box fell out. Oikawa picked it up and read it. It said, 'To Oikawa-san'. Oikawa smiled happily.

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