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From a distance, Iwaizumi watched Oikawa and Minako smiling. He smiled happily knowing the two were happy.

Iwaizumi texted Oikawa.

What are you getting Aiko-san for her birthday?


What? When's her birthday?


Tomorrow, Trashykawa!


The next day, Oikawa handed Minako a wrapped box.

"Happy birthday, Minako-chan!" Oikawa exclaimed.

Minako smiled.

"Thank you, Oikawa-san!" she exclaimed.

Minako opened the wrapped box to find a manga inside.

"It's a manga about the volleyball club and how we beat Shiratorizawa!" Oikawa exclaimed, "Iwaizumi helped!"

Iwaizumi glared at Oikawa. His friend had woken him up at 3'O clock in the morning to make this manga. Minako stared at the book.

"It's brilliant!" Minako exclaimed.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi beamed.

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