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The next day at practice, when Oikawa saw Minako, his heart fluttered.

"Hi, Minako-san!" he exclaimed.

Minako turned to him and smiled.

"Hi, Oikawa-san!" she exclaimed.

As Oikawa walked past, he placed a heart shaped box next to Minako's bag. After practise, Minako went to her bag, when she saw the box. She opened it to find heart shaped milk chocolates. She smiled.

After Minako went home, she got a text from Iwaizumi.

To: Minako-San

Trashykawa told me to tell you that we have volleyball practice tomorrow. Can you reply to him by telling him whether you can go or not.

From: Iwaizumi

Oikawa's phone rang. Oikawa looked at it.

To: Oikawa-san

Yes, I can come, Oikawa-san

From: Minako-san

Oikawa smiled. He had Minako's number.

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