Scribbles is a Dangerous Place

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The map laid across the table with various wooden pieces, acting as troops and other groups. A pen circles a purple island.

"If we take this island, it will make a good military base." The man in a fancy military uniform told the rest of the uniformed men who were gathered around the table.

"What kingdom is that?" Asked the man sitting at the head of the table wearing a crown and clothes fit for a king - he was a king after all.

"I believe, that is the Kingdom of Scribbles." Another man answered. This man was standing by the king's side, for he was the royal advisor.

The group seemed startled by this answer and began making comments in loud whispers.

"Isn't that ruled by the Queen of Homicide?"

"I heard she's a demon."

"They say, she can wipe out an army by herself."

"She has an immortal knight."

"She killed her parents to get the throne."

"SILENCE," the king commanded instantly ending the conversations. "Is this true?"

"They're just rumors," the man who made the suggestion claimed. "Crazy stories meant to scare off people from a defenseless kingdom."

"Very well then, just threaten them into a treaty." The king announced. "If you're right, all we will have to do is shake a few swords. General Bradley, you have my permission to carry out this mission."

"Thank you, sire." Bradley said getting up and bowing to the king. "I will not let you down, King Lloyd."

"You better not." King Lloyd replied. "It was your plan after all."


"Queen Sabrina, a fleet of ships from the Venad Kingdom as landed at the port." A messenger announced to the queen. "They claim to be peaceful and request an audience with you."

"Send them in." Queen Sabrina replied, waving the out the messenger as she sat up properly - opposed to her previous position of upside-down.

The messenger wearing red, the color of the Venad Kingdom, keeled before the queen.

"Does want he want to play leap frog?" Queen Sabrina asked Lady Victoria, one of the ladies of the court.

"He's bowing," the lady answered.

"Oh right, I'm the queen." Queen Sabrina said. "You may rise."

"Thank you Queen Sabrina, the Venad Kingdom wishes to build a naval base on your island." The messenger replied respectfully, despite having been thrown off by the queen's earlier question.

The queen was silent giving the messenger time to evaluate the strange woman. She was wearing a purple dress and while it was indeed fancy it was far plainer compared to the outfits he has seen other queens wearing. In fact, she wasn't even wearing make-up. Her hair at first appeared to be brown then he realised it was actually a dirty blond, and it was down with no evidence of styling. Her eyes were blue - no green - no gray - he couldn't tell. It was almost hard to believe that she was the queen. She wasn't even wearing a crown - wait her crown was laying on the floor.

"Am I being threatened?" She asked interrupting his thoughts.

"What?" He replied startled by her conclusion.

"Let's see, there is a fleet of ships yet only one person came to speak with me and he isn't the commander." She explained as an unnatural smile slid across her face. "I'm insane not an idiot. Go tell him that I refused and I'm coming to visit him. My knight well be your escort, Sir Cris." The knight came forward wearing a suit of armor that lacked any shine and without his helmet on, this was the fabled immortal knight. "Now, don't get yourself killed." She gave a light chuckle.

"I wish I could." Came his reply with a laugh.

Soon the knight and the messenger got on their horses and set off for the docks.

"What is your name?" Cris asked after a period of riding in silence.

"Jackson," he answered.

"Well Jackson, Queen Sabrina must like you." The knight in dull armor told him.

"What do you mean?" Jackson asked giving him a questioning look.

"Simple, it only takes one to send a message. She could have killed you." The knight's calm reply startled Jackson.

"So, the rumors are true."

"Most of them at least."

"Is it true that-"

"Yes, I am immortal. You can test it if you wish."

"No thanks,"

"Shame, oh well you probably wouldn't be able to kill me anyways."

The rest of the journey was silent. When they reached the camp that the army had set up, they dismounted their horses. Jackson lead the immortal to the largest tent with guards posted outside, and they entered. Inside, General Bradley sat planning their attack, if the queen were to refuse; unaware she already had.

"So, she will allow us to build the base." Bradley said when he noticed the two men standing there. "And who might you be?" He asked Cris.

"I am Queen Sabrina's knight in dull armor, Sir Cris." He introduced himself. "The Queen actually refused your terms and is coming to speak with you herself."

"What does she want?" Bradley asked the knight.

"To kill you most likely." Cris answered with a calm smile. "She hates it when cowards hide from her."

The general's face turned bright red with anger. "What is the point of you being here?" Bradley yelled. "It only takes one to send a message."

"I assume to scare you." Was the knight's calm reply.

"SCARE ME," Bradley lost his temper. He drew his sword and slashed Cris' neck.

The blood from the jugular sprayed the general, the stains blending in with his red clothes. Cris feel to the floor leaving the tent silent and the general with a cocky grin.

"That wasn't even worth playing dead." Cris said getting off the floor without a scratch, the blood on him being the only indication that he had been injured.

"What are you?" Bradley asked trembling in fear.

"I already told you. I am Sir Cris, the Immortal Knight." Sir Cris answered with a smirk. They just stood in wide eyed silence. "Now, my queen will be here shortly."

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