Dragon Solutions

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Jackson rode Midnight Blue as fast as he could to the queen's castle. He had good news, and he had bad news. Which do you want first? Too bad, you're going to have to wait.

"Just a little further," he told the quickly tiring horse even though he knew it probably did not understand him.

He quickly pulled the reins, bringing Midnight to a stop, when he reached the castle gates.

"Who goes there?" called out one of the guards.

"Jackson, the royal herald," he shouted back. "I must speak with Queen Sabrina. It is an emergency."

Jackson either sounded desperate enough or the guards were incompetent; probably both. Either way, the guards opened the gate, and Jackson rushed in. He quickly dismounted and ran into the castle. His only objective was to find the queen she was probably sitting in her throne, so that was what he focused on, her thorne. The guards saw him coming down the hall and opened the doors so he could run straight through. Queen Sabrina was sitting at the top of the throne, not the seat the back, speaking with LADY ASHLEY!

"Let me guess, the good news is you got to see a dragon, and the bad news is the dragon refuses to stop destroying the villages." Queen Sabrina told Jackson before he could say a thing. "Lady Ashley informed me of the situation." The queen explained while Jackson stared dumbfounded.

"Sorry, she forgot," came Lady Ashley's explanation, that explains a lot. No, no it doesn't.

Captain Brian burst into the room. "Good, let's go," the queen hopped off her throne. "Lead the way." She gestured for Lady Ashley to take the lead.

Lady Ashley walked out the doors with the rest following right behind her. They walked out the other side of the door right into the village center, where the dragon was rampaging.

"Queen Sabrina, welcome to Willark," Lady Ashley calmly welcomed the group to the village seemingly ignoring the dragon and the impossible distance they just traveled in an instant. "Jackson, welcome back."

This dragon was huge, like two bars and an inn huge. It had silver scales covering most of its body, but the spines, wing, belly, eyes, and claws were a simmering bronze. It looked like it was a living metal sculpture.

"Have you tried everything?" Queen Sabrina asked Lady Ashley as she, the queen, spun her dagger around in her hand. It wasn't a peculiarly special looking dagger. In fact it was quite plain, just a metal blade and a brown hilt, but the queen always had it with her.

"Yes," came Lady Ashley's reply. "I even tried playing my kryophone in an effort to calm it down."

"Good," the Queen of Homicide smiled with wicked glee. "Then I have an excuse to do this." She gripped the hilt then plunged the blade straight into Captain Brian's heart.

This was not like with Sir Cris when Brian fell he did not get back up. When he crumpled to the ground, a dark aura enveloped the Queen of Homicide. Jackson could only stare at the blade, for it was now pitch black.

"Excuse me~," Queen Sabrina shouted at the dragon in a creepy sing-song manner as she approached the beast. "I would appreciate it if you would stop Mr dragon." The dragon turned to face her appalled by how she was taking to him like he was a baby. "This is your last chance to leave this village alone."

"You're the queen?" The dragon growled, literally growled. It's voice was strange it was made of the dragon's growls and roars, but Jackson could somehow hear words echoing in his ears. "You look pathetic."

"I'm taking that as a no." The Queen of Homicide smiled running forward.

Jackson was at this point thoroughly freaking out. Captain Brian was dead, and Queen Sabrina was running at this giant dragon with a dagger. In short, not the most relaxing situation to be in. Of course, Lady Ashley was unphased as she moved Captain Brian's body into a sitting position with a wall propping him up.

Back to the Queen. If you are going up against a dragon, it is recommended that you wear armor and have a weapon bigger than a dagger. Of course, this is Queen Sabrina we are talking about who is an exception to this rule of thumb. For a battle against her, the dragon is the one who came unprepared.

She was a purple blur as she run towards the dragon. The dragon seemed to take a deep breath before spewing red hot flames. Jackson felt the heat wash over him causing him to take a few steps back. But, Queen Sabrina out ran the flames. The only other person Jackson has ever seen move that fast was Brandon, the warden if you forgot. I guess you could also call him the dungeon master if you really wanted to.

"You're getting off topic," Lady Ashley whispered as she watched the queen who had reached the dragons clawed feet.

The dragon slashed at the dagger welding royalty, for you see it is never a good idea to breath fire on yourself even if you are a dragon. Queen Sabrina rolled out of the way narrowly dodging the dragon's claws. When she came out of the roll, she slashed at the foot that had almost hit her. Normally a dagger would do little damage to a beast of this size, but if you couldn't tell by now this was no ordinary dagger. The dragon howled in pain, and the queen took this opportunity to begin climbing the limb. Trying to get her off the dragon swatted at itself, but it only succeeded in injuring itself further, so it resorted to shaking like a wet dog. Some how the queen not only managed to stay on but also to continue her climb. The dragon began to beat its powerful wings slowly raising form the ground and into the air, but the queen did not plan on letting the dragon simply fly away. So, she quickly reached one of the wings and began slashing at the delicate flesh that made up the wing successfully causing the dragon to land back on the ground. The queen climb up it long neck as the dragon whipped its head back and forth.

Jackson was having a lot of trouble keeping track of the queen as she climbed the dragon, and it was truly an impressive feat especially since he thought it shouldn't even have been possible. He spotted her again this time she was at the top of the dragon's neck. The dragon lifted its head up in a last ditch effort to get her off. She took this opportunity to plunge her dagger into the dragon's neck and slid down dragging it with her slicing the dragon's neck open in the process. The dragon began swaying back and forth as blood the color and constancy of tomato soup poured out the wound. The Queen of homicide jumped off the dragon and did a tuck and roll before sprinting away from the beast. Its body came crashing down taking a few burning buildings with it.

"How?" came the dragons final word before the life left its eyes.

"I'm called The Queen of Homicide for a reason." She answered before gazing at the massive pool of blood. "We're having dragon's blood tonight."

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