Dragon Discussions

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Of course, the town was still burning, Captain Brian, the captain of the Slightly Pathetic Guard, was still dead, and someone had to explain this to the ruler of the dragons, so it wasn't quite time to celebrate yet. Then, there's Lady Katie, the dragon lover. She was not happy to say the least.

She ran up to Queen Sabrina. "WHY!?" The dragon lover screamed. "Dragons are cool."

"It was literally destroying the town," the queen glared at the lady.

"But... but... dragons," came the Lady's trailing response.

Queen Sabrina's face turned red when she heard this explanation. "I put you in charge of this realm to protect it not so that you could fawn over the dragons." She jabbed her dagger in Lady Katie's direction.

Lady Katie opened her mouth to say something only to give a defeated sigh. "... I know."

Queen Sabrina seemed satisfied with the lady's response, and she began giggling. But, it was no giggle of an innocent girl. It sent chills down Jackson's spine as he listened to her deranged laughter. "I could kill you right now." The queen stated between fits of laughter before suddenly lunging and pinning Lady Katie to the wall behind her.

"It would be so easy." Queen Sabrina held the dagger up to the trapped lady's neck.

Jackson didn't understand what was going on. Questions flooded his mind. Should he stop her? Should he let her do it? Why was she doing it? Then, Lady Ashley stepped forward.

"Sabrina," Lady Ashley stood beside the pair with her eyes focused on the queen, who only gave her a quick glance before returning to her victim. Jackson's eyes widened when he heard the lady say the queen's name without her title.

"Sabrina," Lady Ashley repeated this time a bit louder.

"What?" The dagger welding queen snapped her head towards the lady calling her name, the laughter gone from her voice replaced by fury, but at what remained unclear to Jackson.

"Who am I?" Lady Ashley asked calmly and firmly. She stood strong and her voice never wavered. Her stance showed no fear in facing the Queen of Homicide even though the queen's dark aura filled the air so thickly that it weighed Jackson down.

The owner of the dark aura, that was currently suffocating Jackson, looked bewildered by the lady's question, "Lady Ashley."

"And, who is she?" Lady Ashley motioned to the lady the queen had pinned.

"Lady Katie," the dark aura died down, and the queen began to look panicked.

"You don't want to hurt her do you?"

"No," the queen answered quickly as her breathing got quicker. She looked at Lady Katie, and jumped back when she saw how she had been holding the dagger to the lady's throat.

Jackson could only stare as the woman he had watched kill an entire army began to tremble. The queen threw her dagger down. "How could you?" She screamed at the inanimate object as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. Everyone remained still and silent with all eyes on the queen. As, they waited for her next move.

She took a deep breath and picked up the blade. "Thank the author," Lady Ashley said under her breath.

The queen walked up to Captain Brian's dead body and stabbed him. Now, normally Jackson would think that this was weird, but he was distracted by the fact that the formally dead captain started breathing again. In his experience, dead bodies don't do that.

"People are going to be upset that he didn't actually die." Lady Ashley commented with a chuckle.

"I know, I'm upset he isn't actually dead." Was the queen's joking reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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