The Ladies' Meeting

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"Queen Sabrina, I request that we hold a Ladies' meeting." Said Lady Jessica.

"Any special reason?" The queen asked as she lay across the throne's arms. "Who ever would make a throne out of swords is an idiot. It would be so uncomfortable."

"No, it's the normal weekly meeting." Lady Jessica explained ignoring the strange comment.

"But, those are so boring." Queen Sabrina whined.

"You don't have to attend. You just have to call it." Lady Jessica explained with a bit of salt. No, she literally wrote it out on the floor with salt.

"That's my favorite part." The queen cheered as she at up. "Alex!"

Alex, the royal wizard, walked up to  the throne with his wand drawn wearing dark blue robes.

"Ready," he asked.

"Always," Queen Sabrina replied.


Jackson sat at his desk in frustrated confusion. He had tried to copy the map three times, each coming out different.

"This shouldn't be poss-"

"HELLO, EVERYONE THIS IS QUEEN SABRINA OF COURSE." Jackson fell out his chair in surprise. He wasn't expecting to suddenly hear the queen yelling at him.

"I'M CALLING THE LADIES TO MEETING. THAT INCLUDES YOU JACKSON. THAT'S RIGHT YOU'RE A LADY NOW. JUST KIDDING, BUT YOU STILL HAVE TO GO." Jackson looked out into the hallway, but the queen wasn't there either. She couldn't be that far away. Could she? "GOODBYE!"

Jackson grabbed the map, his journal, and something to write with. He left his room then realised he had no idea where to go, so he decided he would test something with the map.

"Map me a path to the meeting." This time the map sat there doing nothing. "I guess it doesn't work like that." The line appeared on the map. "I guess it does work."


"You know you don't have to yell, right?" Alex informed Queen Sabrina after she finished. "The spell makes it so that your voice can be heard around the whole castle."

"I know, it's just more fun." She answered him with a smirk.


Jackson made his way into the meeting. The meeting room was a large room mostly taken up by the round table in the center. Some of the chairs were already occupied by a few of the ladies chatting with one another while others were still empty.

Jackson looked around for a spot to sit. He didn't really know anyone. That's when Lady Catherine noticed him.

"Jackson," she yelled across the room, waving energetically. "Come sit by me."

Jackson was relieved and slightly embarrassed that she had invited him to sit with her. When he sat down, he noticed Lady Victoria sitting next to Lady Catherine.

"Hello, Lady Victoria." He greeted her with a kind smile. "Thank you, Lady Catherine."

"No problem," Lady Catherine replied with a wide smile.

"Lady Victoria, how does the map work?" Jackson asked.

"My family has passed down the art of mapping the castle from generation to generation." Lady Victoria explained. "There is no real way to explain how it works. It just does." This was not the answer he was hoping for.

"Quiet," Lady Jessica commanded. The room soon went silent. "Before we begin, we have a new herald, Jackson. Everyone introduce yourself. I'm Lady Jessica, the Lady of Salt."

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