Dragon Problems

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Jackson mounted his horse and set off for Lady Katie's realm with help from another map supplied by Lady Victoria. The horse he rode appeared to be black, but when the sun hit its fur it was revealed that it was a dark blue. Which made sense since its name was Midnight Blue. It also didn't make sense since horses aren't blue. He was learning to roll with it. Except dragons, he couldn't accept dragons.

He glanced down at the map to make sure he was on the right track. Now that he was looking at the scenery, something seemed off, but he couldn't put his figure on it. You know since he wasn't even sure what it was or if he could even touch it.

Suddenly, he arrived at a looming Victorian mansion. Though Jackson wouldn't describe it as Victorian because to him Victorian doesn't exist. Victorian only helps you picture the mansion because you can't see it. Jackson can see it. He does not need to have someone describe it. Why can't you be the same way? Sorry, I'll get back to the story.

Jackson approached the gates. "Who goes there?" asked one of the guards.

"I'm Jackson the royal herald, and I have a message for Lady Katie from Queen Sabrina." Jackson explained sitting confidently on Midnight Blue.

One of the guards looked at the guard that first spoke. The first nodded in reply to the unasked question. "I'll take your horse to the stables." The other said taking the reins.

Jackson dismounted his horse and followed another guard inside. The inside was elegantly decorated like a normal mansion. It was a little strange that he was calling a mansion normal, but in this place normal is hard to find. The guards that walked him in asked another guard to take him to Lady Katie. This guard lead Jackson down one of the hallways. It was long, like too long.

The guard opened the door to reveal a room with an unfinished mural portraying a gory battlefield and a woman he assumed was Lady Katie working on it. She was painting using finger paint, and he thought Queen Sabrina was childish. There was also another woman standing next to her having a conversation with her.

"Maybe, we can lure it away with treasure." The lady who was standing suggested.

"But, treasure is shiny." Whined the painter.

"We can use fake treasure."

"That's still shiny."

"We can use mirrors."

"That's STILL shiny."

"What about food?"

"But, food."

"Excuse me, are you Lady Katie?" Jackson asked. The two turned around when they heard him.

"Yes," the painter happily answered, turning around to see Jackson. "I'm painting the queen." She gestured to the mural when she saw Jackson gazing at it.

In normal circumstances, Jackson might think that the painting was supposed to be an insult to the queen, but this was Scribbles and it was a fairly accurate depiction of the queen. The mural stirred up Jackson's memories of the battle he had witnessed when he had first arrived.

"I'm Jackson the royal herald." Jackson explained as he dug though his bag for the queen's message. "I have a message from the queen about the dragon problem." He brought the scroll out.

"There isn't a dragon problem," she replied, taking the scroll.

"I thought there was a dragon destroying villages." Jackson commented.

"We have a dragon problem." The other lady explained.

"Who cares? Dragons are awesome," the first replied. They both started reading the message.

"I'm sorry, but who might you be?" Jackson asked the mystery woman.

"I'm Lady Ashley," she answered. "Lady Katie and I run this realm together."

"The queen did not mention you." Jackson commented.

"Probably because I was added to this scene last minute." Lady Ashley explained.

"You get to stay with us," Lady Katie shouted before Jackson had a chance to question Lady Ashley.

"What?" Jackson had not heard about this. "Can I read it?" She handed him the scroll, and he quickly read it over.

Sure enough, it said 'Jackson will be staying for a short time to report back to me if the problem is resolved. Feel free to have him assist in any heralding duties.'

"I'll prepare the lesson," Lady Ashley commented moving towards the door. "Jackson, would you like to help me?"

"Yes," responded Jackson. "It would be my pleasure." He walked over to Lady Ashley.

Together they walked down the hallway. "Why don't you slay the dragon?" Jackson asked. "Wouldn't that be easier?"

"Well for one thing Lady Katie really likes dragons," explained Lady Ashley as she came to a stop at one of the doors. "And we would like to maintain peace with the dragons. Another war would not be good."

Jackson was about to ask about what other war was there with the dragons, but he was distracted by the room. What was in the room? Just a few bookshelves full of books, some arm chairs, a couch, a coffee table, and a fireplace. So, what made this room strange? It was a simple rectangular room about twelve foot by twelve foot, the size of a small library. Don't see it yet. In the hallway the distance from that for to the ones one either side are around two feet.

"Is it bigger on the inside?" Jackson asked Lady Ashley. She looked at the room then looked at the outside of the room.

"I never noticed that," she casually replied as she walked back into the room. Jackson followed after her at a loss for words.


As they finished up the plan for what they were going to tell the people, Darkit walked in from the shadows. You know through the shadows; not some door or crack. Darkit just appeared out of the shadows like a normal person. Well, Darkit is not a person. Darkit had the appearance of a dragon and was the size of a house cat. The creature large bat-like ears, glowing yellow eyes, feathered wings, and a feather tipped tail to match. Now, Jackson just stared at the thing like he had never seen anything like it in his life. That's probably true seeing Darkit is the only know one of its kind.

"What is that?" Jackson asked Lady Ashley.

Lady Ashley looked up to see what Jackson was referring to. "Oh, that is Darkit." Darkit's ears perked up at the sound of its name. "I found him one day as I was walking through the forest. He just appeared by my side and followed me, so I decided to keep him." Darkit had jumped into Lady Ashley's lap receiving pets from the last. "When, Lady Katie and I were deciding what to name him, I wanted it to be something relating to darkness or shadows, but Lady Katie insisted upon Kitty. Eventually I comprised and decided on Darkit, combining Dark and Kitty. Lady Katie still calls him Kitty."

They got back to planning now with a little assistance from Darkit. They worked until night began to fall. Then, Lady Ashley sent Jackson of to have dinner in the kitchen before he was to go to bed. Hopefully their plan would solve the dragon issue.

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