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To say that Claudia and Louis were amazed at the state of Abraham's manor was an understatement. They had never seen anything like it. All their life, neither of them had left Chalin, nor have they ever, up until they met Lydia, seen anyone from Rousette, except for soldiers and police officers. Of the education they had received, Louis had gotten most of it, despite Claudia being older. Louis could write, but he could not read; thus, his skill was virtually useless. Claudia could do neither, but she had natural wit in her favor. It didn't take long for the pair to look upon Maribelle's five children with barefaced envy. The children's clothes were regalia compared to the rags Claudia and Louis wore. Maribelle's children, too, noticed this, but they had been raised properly. Like all children, it is with surprising ease that they introduced themselves.

The eldest, the one who had spoken with Elliot, was the first to approach them as the younger four watched. Claudia was the one to speak; Louis stalked behind her. The debonair boy, with confidence and charm and a dashing head of curly blond hair, told Claudia that his name was Raphael. Raphael personally introduced the others as if they couldn't speak for themselves, but Claudia supposed this was because he was the oldest and was expected to be powerful. Another boy, who was so young that he couldn't yet walk, was Jérémie. The girl holding him was Heidi. The other two were twin boys, Niklas and Jossé. Raphael stood out somewhat. He was taller than the rest, and he was blond. The rest of them had a palette of light and dark brown hair, were considerably shorter, and were perfect imitations of their parents.

Claudia meekly introduced herself, then Louis. Raphael asked her where they were from, a question she had dreaded; after all, they were Rousettean, but Chalinians were more welcome in Rousette than Rousetteans were in Chalin. So she told them, told them that they were from Chalin. They were all silent for a few seconds, as if thinking over how they should react, but Heidi eventually sat Jérémie down on one of the plush living room chairs and held her hand out toward Claudia. She asked, with a small, tame smile, if Claudia would not like to join her in her room. And so she was whisked away, while Louis was left alone with the boys.

These events took place the morning after Lydia had told Elliot the story of the Banshee, and Elliot was now awake, as was Maribelle, who was standing with the aid of a few nurses. Elliot pulled the sheets from around herself and gently twisted her legs to the side of the bed. She felt herself shaking slightly; she licked her dry lips nervously. The Governor pushed herself off the bed all too quickly; she felt her knees cave in under the pressure, and she collapsed to the ground with a small cry of surprise. Elliot impulsively groaned when she hit the floor. Merlin was immediately up and at her side, wrapping his arm around one of her own and slowly tugging her upward.

"Bu- Wait-" Elliot rasped. She pushed him weakly away with her fist.

"Are you, are you a-alright?" She heard him choke out.

The Governor was breathing heavily; her back ached as if the weight of a statue laid upon it as she stood there, hunched over and trembling. She felt herself being pushed against the bed, and, so, she fell back and relaxed. Elliot could feel the heaviness of her body. She could feel her arms weighing down her collarbones; she could feel her ankles dangling off the bed; she could feel her fingers and hands limp at her sides. Her nostrils stung as she breathed in and out; her ribs seemed to creak as her lungs filled her chest. She could feel her organs throbbing- or, maybe, was that her heartbeat? Either way, the movement was painful.

From the side, she heard the door open. Footsteps slowly came toward her, and- it was no surprise to her- the visitor was Lydia. She had changed out of her normal attire and was wearing one of Ruth's dresses. Her hair was wet; she was no longer bloody, no longer dirty. Elliot flinched when she felt droplets of water cascade onto her face, and, when she opened her eyes again, she saw Lydia staring down at her.

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