Mr. Blondie Hottie

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"Thank you so much for such an amazing night! Be safe headed home, I love you all!" Mitch said walking off the stage.

Mitch is a very famous singer and he just got done performing one of the best shows in his entire life! The crowd was great and so into the performance.

"The show was great Mitch!" Esther, his tour manager said, giving him a hug.

"Thank you so much. They were so engaged, definitely one of my favorite audiences." Mitch said letting go of the hug, smiling and walking into his dressing room.

After every show he has a sudden burst of energy for about thirty minutes to and hour but then he is exhausted. He learned from experience that he needed to take of his makeup and change into something comfortable before he crashed.

For the past two months, he's been on his first headlining world tour. A very exhausting tour considering it was a show in a different place every night. Sometimes there would be a day off, the entire crew used those days to their advantage. They used those day usefully. To sleep.

The last show was tonight and Mitch couldn't have been happier. It was truly a great show to end on. Tomorrow night the whole crew was gonna go to the club to celebrate the ending of such and amazingly successful tour. Tonight they all needed their beauty sleep.

Mitch got to his hotel room. He immediately walked to the bed and was out. Good thing he was already in something comfortable.


He woke up the next morning, 3:00 PM. Surprisingly he wasn't that tired, probably cause he slept through most of the day. They were leaving for the club at 6:00, It takes some time to get there so they would arrive around 7:30.

Mitch put on some shoes and headed out to get something to eat. He decided to call one of my best friends from college, Kirstin.


"Hey! Its Mitch, remember me?"

"Mitchy! Of course I do, how could I forget my best friend! How have you been?"

"Great! I was actually wondering if you wanted to get some lunch in about thirty minutes?"

"I'd love to, where at?"

"I don't really know any places around here, you pick."

"Okay, um... oh! Theres this really great cafe place downtown."

"Sounds great! Text me the address and I'll see you there in thirty minutes."

"Alright, see you then. Bye!"

He hung up and not even fifteen seconds later, she sent him the address. He missed her so much, ever since college graduation they hadn't talked that much. Sure they texted a lot at first but they never actually saw each other. Then his music career started getting serious and they slowly stopped talking and then all together. He hated it and always missed her so much!

He got to the the cafe and saw her walking in. He quickly got out of his car and ran in.

"Kirst!" He ran up and gave her a hug.

"Hey Mitchy, I missed you so much!" She said with a huge smile.

"I missed you too, let's get a table." They walked up to the waitress and got their table.

Mitch thought it was really nice catching up with her. He was so happy she hadn't changed. She told him all about her two adorable huskies she has. Mitch remember her always talking about how she was gonna have a farm of huskies.

When they were finished with their meal and about to leave, Mitch decided to invite her to the club and she said yes. He missed her so much just wanted to hang out with her as much as possible before he had to leave.

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