Not So Perfect Timing

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3rd Person POV (Just for this chapter) 


"He's here?" Scott spoked, excitement evident in his voice.

Both of the girls nodded their heads. They had quickly walked over to Scott to let him know Mitch was in the bathroom and would be back, in case Scott wanted to say anything.

Scott seemed more than happy to and was now with the girls, patiently waiting for Mitch to return from the bathroom.

Any questions or comments that Scott said all related to Mitch, even telling the girls that he in fact was the one coo drop off the cup of Starbucks on Mitch's doorstep. Scott was obsessed with Mitch, but not in a creepy stalker kinda way. More like in an admirable way, he thought the brunette was gorgeous, stunning... Perfect. While Mitch didn't know any of this way happening or how Scott thought of him.. He himself thought the same of Scott, he wanting to be able to see him again. More than anything. Little did he know, his wish was about to come true. 

Mitch had finally been able to use the restroom, currently washing his hands like a maniac to make sure he didn't miss the beginning of the performance, he held his hands underneath the weak hand dryer, quickly getting annoyed with how useless it was. 

Right as Mitch was walking out of the restroom and making his way back to his seat, where he'd see Scott. The blond's phone started ringing. He looked down and answered the call. "One second.. Hello?" 

Mitch tried making his way through the crowds of people but kept getting stuck behind many slow walkers, attempting to get to their seats as well. The lights dimmed down a bit, and as you might know, that's kind of a sign that the show was about to begin. Mitch stood in a line of people, all impatiently waiting for the chance that they could return to their seats. Mitch looked around the crowd to see what the hold up was. 

Someone was standing up in front of their seat.. talking to someone. Mitch sighed loudly and rolled his eyes, gaining attention from a few guests, including the hold up guest. They gave a side eye towards Mitch and stopped forward, finally getting out of the way. 

"Right now? I.. Okay. I'll be there as soon as possible." Scott hung up the phone and sighed. 

"I-I have to go.." Scott turned to leave but Esther grabbed his arm. 

"Right now? Mitch will be here soon, you can't leave now!" 

"Im sorry.. It's urgent." 

Nicole chimed in. "Should we tell him you were here?" 

Scott shook his head. "No... I don't want him to be thinking about it, I want him to be able to enjoy the show." 

"You're sure you have to go?" 

"I'm so sorry.. I would stay if I could, but I really have to go. Goodbye."

And with that, Scott was gone. He rushed out of the theater as fast as he could. The phone call was from a friend who lived in New York, Scott hadn't seen him in years but he knew that Scott was in the area. That friend was Mark, Mark Manio. The two had been friends for years, they got closer and closer but their careers led them separate ways and they had to say goodbye to one another. When Mark called Scott, it was because sadly, while Mark was out for the day, his house had been broken into. While Scott badly wished to stay and wait for Mitch, he knew that helping his friend in need was the right thing to do. 

Mitch finally got back to his seat, and in perfect time. Neither of the girls said a word about what happened, following Scott's wish.

The show ended late that night and all three left with wide smiles, heading to a local bar where Kirstin would meet them after she was out of her characters wardrobe.



Hows your day been? 

I don't really have much to say so.. 

I love you so much! 



Solo {Scömìche}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora