"It's Crimis!"

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I hope you have an amazing day spent with family and friends!

I wanna say thank you for the love and support I have received on my work , it truly means the world. As a present I wanted to give you some chapters!!

A little note: This chapter is about a month later, so it is now Christmas Eve. Hehe... I have plans lol.

Also I am going to test out this chapter in first person so.. let me know which one you prefer. 


Christmas Eve

I wiped down the counters of my kitchen, cleaning the mess of flour and other ingredients that made the kitchen look like a baking bomb went off. I rushed to finish baking and cooking and then I put up a few more decorations as finishing touches. 

My family made a unanimous decision to have Christmas at my house this year. I had the most space and since this year a lot of people were coming, it would be much easier. 

I had an hour until my family was here, so to say I was in a hurry was an understatement. 

Finally, I was finished and with five minutes to spare. 

The doorbell rang and I put a smile on my face, stopping at a mirror on my way to the door. I fixed my hair and removed a smudge of my eyeliner I hadn't noticed. 

I opened the door, the first set of guests being my mom and dad, the rest should be here any second. 

"Mom! Dad!" I hugged them both. 

I missed them so much, with being on tour and constantly doing interviews and being in the studio. I hardly ever got to see them. 

"Mitchy!" My dad greeted. "How have you been, son?" 

"Good, glad I can finally relax a bit." 

I looked over at my mom. "We missed you, kissy boy." I blushed at the nickname, but I truly missed it. 

An hour and a half later, more family arrived, aunts and uncles, grandparents, siblings, cousins, basically everyone. Some people I didn't even know, but now they were in my house. 

To catch you up on the past few months, after the incident in the kitchen, I woke up and rested. thankfully, I wasn't injured in anyway. 

I had posted something on my snapchat saying I hit my head and had a major headache. 

My phone dinged and I pulled it out of my pocket of my super festive black skinny jeans. 

It was a message.. from Scott?

Scott: Merry Christmas Eve! 

What? We haven't talked in over a month, this is so random! I mean I'm nit mad but.. its still so out of the blue, you know? 

What do I say? How do I- Im really over thinking this. 

I typed back a reply and hit send.

Mitch: Merry Christmas Eve! xoxoxo

Why did I put 'xoxoxo' sounds like I'm flirting and he made it clear he didn't like me. 

My freak out was interrupted by another ding. 

Scott: Any plans for Christmas? 

We talked a little bit more, He was actually in LA because of his family all staying at his aunts house. 

Some how we got on the subject of food and I said I wanted Starbucks. 

We talked a little more until..

Scott: Gotta go, Time to sleep. Goodnight x

'X' Like a kiss. A goodnight kiss? 

I blushed at the thought but still knew in the back of my mind that I shouldn't be getting excited because I knew he didn't like me. 


The next morning I was shaken awake but my baby nephew, Carissa. The little five year old screaming "Munchy Munch! Wake up it's Crimis!" 

I quickly got up, bending down slightly to pick little Carissa up, placing her on my hip. I took her down stairs quickly, the little girl giggling the entire way. 

We got downstairs, meeting the rest of the family. 

We were in the middle of opening gifts when the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock. 9am. 

who could be at my house on Christmas morning. 

My mother, Nel got to the door before I could. 

She bent down and picked up a Starbucks cup for hot coffee. 

"Kissyboy? Were you expecting coffee?" 

I walked over and grabbed the cup. I turned it to see if its had a note of who it was from. 

The only thing written on it was.. 

Mitchy x

"Do you know who it's from?" 

Scott: Gotta go, Time to sleep. Goodnight x

"I think I have a pretty good idea." I started ate the little 'x' smiling at it.

I took a sip of the drink, and any doubts I had about who it was from were now gone. 

"What are you drinking?" The tall blond asked. 

"White chocolate mocha.. you?" I said before taking another sip of my drink. 

"Some peppermint thing, i don't know." He laughed and so did I.




Remember that Christmas isn't about what you did/ didn't get. Its about family and friends. Giving, not receiving. Have a wonderful and safe holiday. x

Love you all, 


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