Order For Mitch

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This is the next morning. (So yesterday is when Scott left).

Hope y'all enjoy this chappy!


Mitch picked up his dirty clothes from the floor and messily folded them, placing them in his laundry bag.

He slowly walked to the bathroom to clean up the mess of makeup and hair products from previous nights.

Once Mitch was finished and all packed up, he grabbed his bags and headed down the the lobby to check out.

Everyone else had left yesterday, Mitch deciding to stay behind for obvious reasons.

Mitch's flight wasn't until 9:54 AM and it was currently only 6:10 AM. The best thing about the hotel was how close it was to the airport, it being only five minutes away.

Mitch decided to stop by one of the local coffee shops rather than just going to a Starbucks like he always does.

Mitch got an uber and gave the directions to the driver.

Mitch sat with a blank expression. He just felt sad.

He didn't really know why, but at the same time... he did.


He couldn't get his mind of the muscular blond.

He had just left.

Left Mitch all alone.

Who does that?

Mitch was in deep thought, he didn't realize that the uber had reached Mitch's desired destination.

He thanked the driver and grabbed his bags to head into the coffee shop.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The blonde barista asked from behind the cash register.

Mitch noticed her blonde hair and couldn't help but think...

You guessed it.


Mitch ordered and turned around to find a table. He walked through the shop and stops when he sees the blond that's been on his mind constantly.

Mitch purposefully sat at a table that was in sight of Scott.

"Order for Mitch." The same blonde haired barista called out.

Mitch glanced back to see Scott looking around the shop, clearly hearing 'Mitch'.

Mitch got out of his seat and grabbed his drink, he took a small sip as he headed back to his table.

"Mitch?" The brunette turned at the sound of his name baring called.

He was now face to face with the blond that had been filling his mind.

"H-hi." Mitch said shyly. Something about having a drunk hookup with a guy makes you awkward when you talk to them.

The two talked for a few minutes until Mitch realized he would be late for his flight if he didn't leave.

The boys exchanged numbers and then Mitch was in his way home.

Mitch arrived at the airport and got through security fairly quickly. He arrived at his gate with some time to spare.

He made himself comfortable and found an outlet to plug up his phone so it wouldn't die on the plane.

Eventually, the intercom called for Mitch's flight.

He grabbed his items and headed to the door to board the plane, showing the flight attendant his ticket to enter and then showing another so she could help him find his seat.

Mitch sat in his seat and got comfortable.


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