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Yavanna was walking through the halls one day in ages past, looking for a secluded spot to sing. It was too crowded before Eru, and Melkor was complaining again. So she left. Through the long corridors and pathways and gardens she walked, softly floating in her stature.

Suddenly as she walked she heard a deep voice echoing up above, and she tilted her head in confusion. Most Ainu sang before Eru, because He was the One, and their Creator. This was strange indeed, and the voice was too deep for her liking. But as she listened to it, developed a liking for it, and the liking turned to love, and she fell in love with the deep resonance of it, how it made her bones tingle and her chest swell.

She rounded the corner quietly, and she saw Aȝūlēz who is Aulë sitting by himself humming a bass note. As she heard him, a great melody was forming in her brain, and she thought to express it. So she lifted her voice, soft as a doe, to the heavens. Aulë did not stop, but he did turn in surprise.

She wove her notes to his, and in this they saw much of the other's mind. For in the halls, there is no long conversation, only sparing words, for there is no need for speech. There is music. For in the halls music is a tangible thing, a beautiful and terrible thing that one could weave their very thought into. It became something that was, so if she were to sing of a great flower, that flower would Be.

So as she heard him, she heard him attune his notes to hers, and she was made aware of how he watched her sing with much amazement. She saw his admiration of her power, and she was pleased. So she let him see how she looked at him before Eru, and often hearkened about him. She did not understand the full mind of Eru, no one can, but she did know that her and Aulë were destined to be together, as they sang in an endless harmony for many ages of the world.

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