Breaking Her Fall

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Hey :) This is a new idea I've been dying to write about for awhile, so here is the first short prolouge/chapter. I may not continue this story until I finish my others, but I just wanna see if people like the idea. Everything belongs to JKR <3


!!!!!!! <3 4ever :)


"Give it back!" I screamed, feeling rather frusterated at my brother, Hugo.

Hugo pouted for a moment before running a hand through his trademark, red Weasley hair that we all seemed to inherit. "No." He stated.

"Give it back now or I'll tell Mum the grade that McGonnagall gave you before term ended." I warned severely.

His brown eyes widened and he gasped out, "You wouldn't dare!"

"Watch me."

He kept on glancing back between me and the letter in his hand, that was now crumpled from his holding it so tightly while trying to keep it out of my reach. Hugo considered my threat for another moment before he tossed it back quickly to me.

"Don't you dare tell her, Rose." He snapped before storming out of our homey, big kitchen that we seemed to never eat in anyway. With all of Grandma's cooking, we didn't feel the need to since we were invited over almost every night for her amazing dinner.

I smirked to myself before making sure that the letter was safe in my hand and then I pranced up to my room. When I finally reached it, I threw the letter in my trunk before collapsing, exhausted on my fluffy bed.

Today had been like any other. I argued with Hugo, laughed along with Lily about her boy troubles, and made sure to not be too risky with anything. So, basically a normal day in the life of Rose Weasley.

I sighed deeply to myself before reaching over and grabbing the letter from one of my classmates, Scorpius Malfoy. He filled my thoughts with smooth talking and fun flirting that we had done over the years.

When I first met him, it was on the Hogwarts Express. Daddy had just told me that I should be careful around him, something that I tried to do for the next few years of my life. But, one day when he tried to get me to laugh, I realized that I had no reason to hate him.

His father was the one who had a grudge with my parents, not him. He wasn't rude and arrogant like the elder Malfoy had been in his school days. He was actually best friends with my cousin, Albus or Al Potter.

So, I finally gave in and now we're not dating like I wished we were, but we were friends. That was close enough for me at the moment.

Back to my average life, I yawned once before looking over at the clock on my wall. With a horrific gasp, I sprang out of bed and realized that I only had ten minutes to get ready before we had to leave to go to the Potter's house for a family gathering.

I shot straight up, and sprinted over to my closet, not noticing the books I had left on the floor were still there waiting innocently to trip me. With a suprised squeal, I fell to the ground with a flump.

Ow, I thought, blinking rapidly to try and keep some stray automatic tears out of my eyes. Mum and Dad will wanna know about that, but since I actually enjoy going to the Potter's I decided that it can wait for another day.

Slowly, I got up from my predicament from the floor and I dragged myself to my closet where I threw on some jeans and a top that Uncle Harry got for me a few weeks ago. I quickly slid it on and hurried to the bathroom where I ran a brush though my thick, red hair that I also inherited from my Weasley family genes.

Breaking Her Fall - ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant