Chapter 1

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"Y/N!!" I hear my brother say. I had just out from the airplane from Manchester, now I'm in London with my brother, Phil Lester. "Hey Phil!" I yell back. I run to him and hug him tightly. "Oh I missed you so much" he said still hugging me. "Me too" I say smiling "it's been way too long." The last time I saw my brother was two years go, the day I had my collage graduation. He's been busy lately with his job, recording videos and going to conventions. I've been busy myself as well. I've been taking some photography classes and been practicing for a while. Since it's over, Phil has been so kind to me, and has let me stay in his apartment! "Let's go to my apartment now" he says "you're probably tired."
"Just a little" I say. We both walk across the airport to the parking garage. Phil helps put my luggages in the back, then I hop in the car. Phil then joins in and starts the car. The car starts to move, and I look out the window. "Wow I never remembered London being so beautiful" I say. "The longer you stay, the better it gets" he says. He then put the radio on, and the music was very nice and calming. Then without even noticing, I fell asleep.


I wake up all of a sudden, and notice I'm not in the car, I'm in the living room on the couch. I'm guessing Phil carried me up here, I mean, I'm only about 5'6 and he's 6'2, so I'm pretty sure he's strong enough to pick me up and take me here. "Oh, good afternoon" Phil says walking in. I look at my phone. 5:50pm. "Wow, how long was I asleep" I say getting off the couch. "About 2 hours or so" he says "by the way, your things are in your room."
"Thank you" I say "I should probably text mom, she's probably sick to her stomach."
"I already did" he says "she says to call her tomorrow."
"Well then that settles it" I say. "You want anything to drink? Tea, coffee, juice, milk" Phil says walking in the kitchen. "Coffee's good" I say. While he was making the coffee, I go on my phone and check the text messages I missed and tried to text back to the people. "Here you go" he says handing over the coffee. "Thanks" I say, taking the glass. "To Y/N" he says "for being the best sister and for having a good life in London." Our cups clinked and we took sips. I look down at my phone and a text popped up, but it was only from my ex, Nathen. "Hey, what's up" Phil says, worried. I sigh "Nathen's the problem, he just wants to be back together, but, I don't want to."
"Well, Nathen is a big jerk" he says. I giggle, I never really heard Phil say the word "jerk". "Besides" he says "he's far away, your in London, you can maybe find someone better than him."
I give Phil a side hug. "Thanks Phil, you always find a way to make me smile."
"No problem" he says "now, let's get your room set up as much as posible for today, we can finish tomorrow too."

My amazing brother (Dan and Phil x Reader) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now