Chapter 12

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We sat down at a table while waiting for our drinks. Most people looked at us like we were on some date, but I promised myself to just act cool. "Daniel and Y/N" the waiter says at the desk. "I'll get it" I say getting up. "No no" he says "I'll get it." He gets up and sits me back down and gets the drinks. "Thanks" I say, grabbing the drink. We both sat looking out the window while drinking our drinks. "Hey Y/N" Dan finally says "you wanna go outside to talk?"
"Uh, sure" I say, a bit confused in the inside. We grabbed our things and headed outside. We both walked over to the direction to the park, where we basically "met" (meaning where he was kind to me and Nathen was a jerk). Our walk was pretty quiet, and I really really REALLY wanted to ask him about the kiss, but I'm still scared to ask him. "Let's sit here" he says pointing to a bench. We sat down, and again, in silence. I turned to him and he looked really nervous, I was starting to get a bit worried. "Dan" I say "are you ok?"
"Yep, everything is fine" he says not looking at me. Again we both stayed quiet, but this time I wanted to ask him, I just couldn't wait any longer. "Dan" I say looking at him. He looks at me, and I sigh. "Did you, mean that kiss that one day?" His cheeks then turned light pink and looked away. "Maybe" he mumbled under his breath. "Cause I mean, that was probably the worst day cause of stupid Nathen and you were actually kind enough to come up to me and ask me if......"
"I love you."
"I, Daniel Howell, love the one and only, Y/N." He then gets up and holds my hands.
"Y/N, right when I saw you the first day, well second day, you came here, your eyes sparkled like stars, and your smile was so bright, your laughter was adorable, and I never knew that I could fall in love with someone like that. The day I saw you cry, on that one rainy day, you looked so upset, and I hated to see that, that's why I helped you get some shelter and not get sick. When we got home, you hugged me and thanked me, I had no other way to thank you back, but for a kiss. You looked like you needed one since of your broken heart, that's why I wanted to fix it. That day is when I realized that, I loved...."
*Y/N kisses Dan's cheek*
"I love you too."

My amazing brother (Dan and Phil x Reader) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now