Chapter 2

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I wake up in the morning. 8:25am. "I'm pretty sure I can go make some breakfast" I say to myself. I get out of my mattress and head to the kitchen. Phil is still asleep, so I could make him some coffee. I start to find something in the cabinets, I notice some cereal, but the box was empty (probably Phil ate some) so I looked in the fridge to find eggs. I started to make some scrambled eggs, then I heard someone knocking on the door. I was really confused because for one thing, Phil isn't up at this time, and I didn't know Phil's friends came visit, I open the door, and a tall man with brown hair and brown eyes is in front of the door. "Um, hi, is Phil Lester here" he hesitates. "Yeah, I'll get him" I say. I let him in and I go wake up Phil. Phil like usual took a while to get up, so it was me and this random dude. "So, who are you" he asks.
"Oh, I'm his sister" I say. "Oh" he says "I'm Dan, Daniel Howell, I'm the apartment across here."
"I'm Y/N" I say. Phil then walks in, then stands there awkwardly. "I see you guys met" he says. "Yeah" we say together, awkwardly. "I was just making breakfast" I say "I should probably finish, would you like anything?"
"I'm fine thanks" Dan says. I then walked off into the kitchen. "Oh by the way Phil, you left an empty box of cereal in the cabinet" I say. I hear the boys laugh and I laugh as well. I then later finish making my breakfast and ate in my room. I didn't want to be rude and eat in front of them, besides, they were busy doing their YouTube stuff.


"Alright, so I'll edit the video and I'll text you when I'm done" Phil says walking out with Dan to the door. "Alrighty then" Dan says "see ya later, bye Y/N."
"Bye Dan" I say from my room. Phil says goodbye and closes the door. "Who wants to go explore London" Phil says like I'm 6 again. "Oh oh me me" I mimic as I'm a child. "Alrighty then get ready my friend!" I start to get ready to explore London. I don't remember the last time I actually walked around London, I guess this will be nice to explore and to talk to Phil. I chose to wear this outfit (choose which you like better):

Soon after I changed, Phil and I got in his car and started to drive to downtown London

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Soon after I changed, Phil and I got in his car and started to drive to downtown London. It was nice coming back here, its been a while since I've been in Manchester. "So what you wanna do first" Phil asks, "we can walk, get food, Starbucks, go to the park."
"I think we should go to Starbucks" I say. He nods his head and we head inside. There were a couple of people there, not too crowded, which was good.
"Hi I'd like a (your fav. drink) please."
"Can I have a moca latte" Phil says. Phil pays for both of our drinks and we sit down with our drinks. "How does it feel like being back in London" Phil asks as he takes a sip of his latte. "A bit strange" I say staring at the window "it feels like I'm back on my college field trip."
"Well it's ok" Phil says "it'll soon feel like you lived here for all your life."


After we sat down for a bit, we headed out and went to get some things for my room. I picked out some things I liked, and Phil either helped out or got distracted by something he liked. A few hours later, we headed back home with all of our things, and Dan was just heading home when we saw him in the hallway, but I didn't see him. "I'll get the door" I say trying to open it with a bunch of boxes. Dan then comes up to me and holds the boxes. "Better" he says. "Yeah, thanks" I say, a bit blushy. I opened the door and Dan came in. Phil came in a few minutes later to help out with everything. My room was set up, and I was glad how it ended up. "This was better than I thought" Phil said while we were all looking around. "Yeah, Im surprised I did better on a girls room than a guys" Dan jokes. We all went into the living room after and talked. "Do you guys wanna all hang out sometime" Dan asks after a long conversation together. "That sounds like a good idea" I say with a smile turning to Phil. "Sounds perfect" Phil says. "Great" Dan says "see you tomorrow?"
"Ok" Phil and I both say. Dan then waves goodbye at the both of us and heads out the door. "What an adventure it was" I say getting off the couch. "Agreed" Phil says turning on the tv. I head into my room to set up my laptop on the desk. I put all of my social media things on my favorites, then decide to go on Twitter. Right when I got on, a new friend request popped up. Danisnotonfire. Of course I knew it was Dan, so I had to follow him back. Then I started to wonder, what would happen if I had a YouTube channel? I looked over at a box that wasn't unpacked with my photography things. "Why not start tomorrow" I say in my head.

My amazing brother (Dan and Phil x Reader) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now