Chapter 25

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Our bags have been checked in and we just went through security. It was really long since almost a lot of people today were leaving somewhere, which is oddly strange. "Finally we got out of there" Nathen says as we sat down by our gate. It's currently 9:37am, and I'm still exhausted. "How about some coffee" Nathen asks me "you've been yawning for the past five minutes." I nod and he leaves to the small coffee shop close by. I look over at my phone, but I don't turn it on, I just lay back and sigh.


Dan's POV:

"Well you're the one who wants to see
Y/N so badly" he says while making a sharp turn. We have finally arrived to the airport and we get to the garage, thank goodness that it wasn't full of cars. He parks the car and we get off, and I'm trying to catch my breath. "Hurry up Dan" Phil says "they could be boarding soon!" We rush over to the doors and we are now inside the airport. Loads of people are walking everywhere and we try to find when they leave to New York. "Over here" I point over. We run over and we scan the screen.
"New York travelers board in 1 hour."
"Just in time" I say, but then I look over and I see lots of people going through security. "How are we supposed to get there" Phil asks, a bit more panicked. I look around to find someone, and no one. "Let's just go through secretly" I say, "I know they won't find us, or at least I don't think they will."



Nathen and I are sat down waiting to board with our coffee and a muffin. Scrolling on twitter, lots of people are talking about the drama and other things about Dan and I. I turn off my phone and sigh, "I just wanna leave already" I say.
"Same" Nathen says "I wish that they would just let us go early." I start to eat my muffin, until my phone starts vibrating violently. Nathen and I look over at each other in confusion, and I look over at my phone. "DAN IS AT THE AIRPORT LOOKING FOR Y/N?!" "Dan is so getting arrested for this." "Dan and Phil on a team to get Y/N?" "IS DAN TRYING TO GET BACK WITH Y/N?"
"Um, Nathen" I say looking around "people are saying Dan and Phil are here." We both then start to look around, but we see no one. "New York boarders, we are leaving a bit early today, Unit A line up here, Unit B here, Unit C wait until we say so." We look over at our tickets and we were Unit A, so we got our things and head over to the line.


Phil's POV:

"Did you just hear that announcement" I say to Dan "we aren't gonna make it!" Dan and I are where the workers are allowed to be, but we don't know where we are. "Let's try this door" Dan says. He opens the door and we enter a restaurant. "Hopefully we didn't leave the airport" I whisper to Dan. We look around and we are still in the airport, but where? We try to quickly leave so that no one would see us, and we finally left. We looked around and we were now by the gates. "Ok, just look around and find
Y/N" I say. We both look around and find nothing. We looked over at some lines and the people sitting down, and no one yet, until I saw the person who we were looking for. "Dan" I say "I found her!" We both rush over, until we of course got caught by the police. "Oh no" Dan says "run!" We run as fast as we could, but it was too late. The cops had our wrists and they really hurt on me. We tried to escape, but it was worthless.

My amazing brother (Dan and Phil x Reader) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now