10. {Short}

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My heart rate slowed down as I realised who it was Alex my brother,I turned around and punched him square in his chest and pouted.

"Idiot,The fucks wrong with you. Scaring me half to death." I semi-yelled walking back into my room. "Oh so now its a crime to come see my sister?" he scoffed plopping down on my bed,I shook my head getting my phone of the dresser and sitting next to him. "No,its not a crime but nigga ain't you supposed to be in ATL?" I asked unlocking my phone and scanning over my texts. "Nah,im on vacation for a while so I came to stay with the fam-o" He smiled showing off his pearly whites,I shook my head laughing. 

We spent some time watching movies and catching up just then I heard a bus pull up and I knew that Kaycee arrived. I hopped of my bed and ran down the stairs and to the front door and just in time also. I swung open the front door to be greeted by Kaycee and her pay group teacher Miss Nickels,I gave her a warm smile and thanked her for bringing Kaycee her safely. I shut the front door as she began walking away and walked over to a very smiley Kay. 

"NiqueNiuqe look what I draw today!!" she screeched holding up a picture of the family all together in a feild also labeled with each of our names,I smiled taking the pictures off of her and put it on the fridge. "Its beautiful baby girl." I smiled walking her upstairs and gettin her ready for her bath,Alex then came out my room and smiled at both me and Kay. He bent down about to greet Kay when she screamed.

"STRANGER DANGER! NIQUENIQUE STRANGER DANGER!!" I laughed,shaking my head as she ran up behind me peeking a bit. "Kay,he's not a stranger he's my big brother. You won't remember him cause you was a very small baby." I smiled and I heard Alex gasp. "Is that my Kaycee Waycee?" I laughed at his dramticness and nodded. he put  both his arms out to kay who slowly came out from behind me and hugged him. I smiled and heard the front door open and 3 booming voices enter the house. Mom,Dad&Chres.  We all went downstairs and Alex practically jumped into mom's arms squeezing her to death. I laughed shaking my head as Chres walked up to me and hugged my waist kissing my forehead,I blushed kissing his check. "Hi babe,how was practice?" I smiled,he shrugged his shoulders making a "eh" noise smiling again.

"Ahem." Me and Chres both turned around to my brothers confused face,which made me giggle.

"Alex,this my boyfriend. Chres,this is my brother." I smiled,they shook hands and I heard Alex whisper in Chres' ear. "If you ever hurt my sister,I will cut of your balls and feed them to you." Chres gulped stepping away from him and interlocking our fingers together.

After all that we had some dinner,watched films as a family then parted ways getting ready for bed. Everyone was upstairs and I came down to get some milk for kay and an apple for me. As I was procedding to walk up the stairs a letter came through the mail box. I knitted my eyebrows together and looked at the clock on the wall. 11:39 pm ; not posts come until 6am. I shrugged my shoulders and walked to the door and picked up the letter which was surprisingly addresed to me. I set the milk and apple down opening the letter reading over it my eyes widend.

"Enjoying playing house with your family? Make the most of it because soon enough,you'll be seperated. See how you like being away from your parents and family.         -S."

~ Told ya I'd update.

~ I just threw in some random bs.

~ Enjoy it :3

~ New cover yay or nay?

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