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Madison ;

I watched Chres from a far as he ran with the ball down the field,I cheered him on and blow him kisses every now and then. He looked at me when he didn't have the ball and smiled at me I blushed a little before he caught the ball and ran to the end of the pitch a scored the winning touchdown,the whole stadium erupted into cheers as the whole team came tackling on Chres.

He slowly approached me before embracing me into a warm hug I hugged him back tightly inhaling his sweet scent. Over the past 2 months me and Chres have been quite close,i tell him everything and he tells me everything also. Him and Zonnique are a little rocky and she's for ever giving me these nasty looks. I pulled away from him smiling hard. "Well done baby boy,you did great!" , he smiled back giving off a cocky look which made me giggly. From a far I could see Zonnique and Simon hugging up all on each other I mentally shook my head looking away from them. Everyone exited out the gym,I went into the cheerleading changing room and sat down on my phone for a while as everyone came in and out,I rest my phone on my bag before getting dressed back into my black and white addidas tracksuit the put on my black uggs. I threw my scarf around my neck before walking to the door,as I was walking out Zonnique came out the corner smirking it herself she looked up at me and kissed her teeth barging pass me.

"Excuse me,you could of just said excuse me and been polite. Jheez." She turned back around looking at me with the same look on her face.
"I would but you ain't worth my manners love." She smiled before walking away. Seriously the fuck is her problem. I shook my head putting on my beats hooking them to my phone and walking out to the front block. I stood there and awaited Chresanto's arrival. 10 minutes passed and he finally arrived,we linked arms walking down the road headed to Starbucks.

"So Chressy,how's you and zonnique?" He sighed and rolled his neck at the sound of her voice,I somewhat laughed silently shaking my head. "The other day she called me drunk and told me how she misses me and wants this D" he started but stopped to laugh "I hung up the phone on her then the other day she texted me telling me that she wanted to speak to me so I went up to her at school and before she could speak to me,Simon then came up to her and next think I know she's giving me dirty looks and walked away from me. Totally left me dumb founded." He sighed shaking her head. "Tbh babes,I think she just used you to see if a better man will come along and woo her,I guess she found that someone but hey you'll find someone" I smiled sweetly at him batting my lashes,he stopped walking and stood in front of me brushing a strand if hair from my face his lips brushed against mines before slowly kissing wrapping his arms around me. We kissed for a while longer before pulling apart,he smiled walking away from me and walked into his house. I touched my lips still feeling his on mines I semi screamed before running to my house.

Zonnique ;

After coming home from the game,I showered and got dressed in a oversized white shirt,black leggings,a long black and red plaid top which I tied around my waist and my timberlands. I combed through my natural hair before braiding them into two Dutch braids,I grabbed my phone and car keys texting Kat that I was on my way. I took a couple pictures before racing down stairs and out the front door,I hoped into my new Bentley which I got a few days ago for my 18👌😁 tun up tun up. I got in and looked through the selfies I took minutes ago,scrolling through some one picture caught my eye. It was of me and Chres. I sighed biting my lip softly preventing me from crying I truly missed him even if I didn't show it I truly did miss him and I hate how distant we've become over these two months. I put my phone in the glove department and turned on my radio and switched it to pandora. I put in my keys and turned on the engine before pulling out my drive way and en route to Kat's house. After 15 minutes of driving I finally reached there,I texted her letting her know I was here. I placed my phone down and look out my window to the left and surprise surprise there was Madison,I watched her and saw she was standing with some,I scrunched up my eyebrows when I saw it was Chres. He then got in front of her and next think I know they were kissing and right then I felt I truly lost my one and only love. It broke my heart seeing them kisses,a few tears managed to escape I sniffed wiping away and looking away as I saw Kat come out her house. I re-started the engine as she got in we greeted each other before I drove off.

I updated!! Oh yus oh yus.
Yay or nah?😋
((New phone swag))
Urm I think this story finishing soon but there might be a sequel ion yet but yeah here's my update babes xx

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