Chapter 4

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Dakota POV:

My eyes flutter open and I immediately start to squint as the blinding sunlight is seeping through the drapes. My head is throbbing and a wave of panic rushes through my body as I feel an arm wrapped around my waist. I rotate my body around and see Jamie laid peacefully in bed next to me.

How did he get here?

I look down at myself and sigh with relief as I realize that I am wearing my pajamas.

I nudge Jamie, earning a grunt from him.

"Jamie it's noon, we need to get up" I speak, groggily.

"Just 5 more minutes" He groans, gripping onto me tighter and nestling his head into my shoulder.

He looks so peaceful.

I flinch as I feel his fingers against my skin, unexpectedly caressing it with his fingertips, softly tickling it. How sweet.

"You know, we should do something today" Jamie suggests.

"Like what?" I ask, raising my eyebrow even though he can't see me.

"I don't know yet, go get ready and I'll figure something out, we can't just stay in all day even if we both feel like dog shit" He chuckles, making me giggle a little.

I wriggle out of his grasp and saunter towards the bathroom, clutching my head. I look at my reflection in the mirror and take a step back, fuck that's scary. My makeup from the night before is smeared and crusty, I look like I haven't taken a shower in a year.

I quickly lock the door, just in case Jamie decides to "accidentally" walk in on me and begin to strip off from my pyjamas. The first thing I do is grab some makeup wipes and scrub the disgusting remains off of my face. After that, I take a well needed shower which makes me feel refreshed instantly.

I turn off the shower and nearly slip when I hear a knock on the bathroom door which makes me squeal.

Jamie, you fucker.

"Are you okay?" I hear him yell through the door, worry thick in his tone.

"I'm fine, you just startled me that's all" I chuckle as I successfully get out of the shower without breaking a bone, wrapping a fresh towel around my body.

Once we have both gotten ready, we exit the condo and begin walking, I have no idea where we are going.

"Where are you taking me?" I whine, we've been walking for 20 minutes and my feet are already starting to ache, this better be good.

"For food and then the next part is a surprise" He winks.

I groan, "I hate surprises so you may aswell just tell me"

"Nope, you're going to have to wait, stop being impatient" He chuckles.

A few minutes later we are outside a diner, I can smell the delicious food already from the outside which makes my mouth water. He opens the door for me and ushers me inside, he's such a gentleman.

"Thank you" I smile, as I step inside the diner.

A middle aged woman makes her way towards us and leads us to a table, they're the usual vintage looking diner booths.

I sit down opposite Jamie, the waitress gives us the menu and walks away, giving us a small smile before.

"What you gonna get?" I ask, curious.

"I have no idea, there's too much choice" He replies.

The waitress comes back and we both settle on a cup of coffee and buttermilk pancakes with strawberries and cream.

A different waitress comes over with our food, she's younger than the other one, possibly in her mid 20's. As she places the coffee's on the table I see her look at Jamie with lust in her eyes, then she looks at me and I just look away quickly not knowing how to react.

I can't help but feel a little angry, I can't understand why because we've only just met. I shrug it off and she leaves.

"She was definitely wanting a slice" I chuckle, raising my eyebrow and curving my lips into a flirty smile.

"I don't think so, she's not my type anyway" he laughs, shaking his head.

The same waitress comes back a few minutes later with our plates.

"Is there anything I can get you? Any sauces or anything?" She asks, but only looking in Jamie's direction.

"No, we're fine thank you" I smile, sarcastically. She just nods and walks away.

"Jeez what's wrong with you?" Jamie asks, looking a little confused.

"Nothing?" I reply.

As he is eating his pancakes he gets a blob of cream on the side of his lip, I wipe it off and suck my finger afterwards. He watches my every move and bites his lip afterwards. I raise my eyebrow and carry on eating.

Once we have finished eating we pay for our breakfasts and then leave, heading towards the secret destination.

"Jamie where are you taking me? I don't think I can walk any further" I groan, dragging my feet across the sidewalk.

"It's not long now, I hope you'll like it" He assures.

Just as I'm about to reply I hear music from the distance. It sounds familiar but I figure it's from a passing car. The more we walk, the louder the music gets.

I look at Jamie and he has a huge grin plastered on his face.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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