"Nap time with your best friend now, okay?"

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You quickly learn that with Camila, a lot of things are easy.

Embarrassing yourself, for one. That whole bat incident and everything. Additionally, she catches you staring.

Like a lot.

A lot a lot.

You really gotta cool it, honestly. You even stutter sometimes.

(Okay so really you're just a gay mess, but you can't help it.)

It's easy to make her laugh. You're pretty sure that you're not all that funny so you figure Camila just laughs at most things. It makes you giggly and you're smiling so much that your cheeks hurt but you think that Camila's laugh sounds so nice that you don't mind.

You meet Camila's mom and little sister when she invites you into her house. Mrs.Cabello insists you call her by her first name and Sofi is practically a miniature Camila. It becomes obvious to you that Camila absolutely adores Sofi and you're content to watch from the sidelines the way they interact.

But Sofi is sure to include you in everything, which you're completely charmed by. She's asking you all sorts of questions about Dash and what you do in college. You make sure to ask embarrassing stories about Camila when she's not paying attention. You're not too surprised when Sofi tells you Camila's clumsy, smiling at the thought of her stumbling all over the place.

One thing you notice throughout the afternoon is that Camila doesn't talk to you like you two have only known each other for a day. She makes it easy to let yourself be comfortable with her, despite how much you stutter and stare. She gives you a smile every time that happens, like she finds it endearing or some shit.

Personally, you're mortified by it but whatever.

When you notice that the sun has set and check your phone to see that it's already 7:22 PM, you figure you've overstayed your welcome and announce that you should head home.

Camila relents with an exaggerated pout. There's an urge to kiss it away and that's how you know you definitely have to go home.

She asks for your number before you go and you play it cool when she adds "so we can hang out more."

You're smiling all throughout dinner with your dad, Clara being the one in charge of the restaurant for the night. He asks if you've managed to convince Camila of your sanity and he laughs at how much you're blushing when you think back on your day with the younger girl.

But you've had such a nice day that you let your dad have his fun and retreat to your room when you're sure you can't get any redder.

Reaching your room you see you've got a few messages on your phone.

[Vero]: how did ur lunch date go?

[Vero]: did she almost hit you with a crowbar to get even?

[Lauren]: she actually swung at me with a golf club

[Lauren]: it was a 7 iron

[Vero]: sorry, i'm not a middle aged white man in the suburbs. Idk no golf terms but i hope u enjoyed urself

[Lauren]: i actually googled that for the sake of the joke idk what it means either

[Vero]: good to know we're both bad at golf

You almost hit the call button to FaceTime Vero but then you're distracted by another message that causes you to smile widely.

[Camila]: hey hi this is your new best friend

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