You could always write your own

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Me: *gets paid nothing to spend my own time writing things that I would like to read but cannot find because I know that only I would be able to see it done the way I would want it*

Also me: *makes nothing off of the pure want of sharing work in a community of sapphic peers who are severely lacking any sort of real representation and variety in any sort of media outlet, though enjoys feedback and Constructive Criticism*

still me:*STILL doesn't get paid to put up with y'all being rude as hell*

I like sharing my writing. it's fun to see how people react and it's nice when offered direction and it's really rewarding to see people want to read more. but first and foremost i write for myself and having my fics on here is simply a nice platform for sharing. you don't have to read it, you don't have to like it, you're free to completely drop it. if you'd rather not have this story go the way that y'all assume it's going, you're free to write your own.

there's no drama tag and there's no angst tag and there's no extra lines in the summary foreshadowing sadness and tension because it's still a romcom with an asshole of an author that ends chapters with shitty cliffhangers like damn y'all.

Rant over. just a PSA that fanfic authors don't owe anyone anything cus they out here just producing shit for free for you

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