Nature N' Stuff

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Woah the insects and the big dudes all do like nature things like become butterflies and stuff and that's like real neat because one day they're just chillin doing caterpillar things they eat up a scrumptious leaf and they like bam Ima be a butterfly and they sleep for like 4 weeks and become a friggin dude with wings, do they know that they have like no way to survive in the real world like they got nature down but in they came to the big city to pursue their dreams of making it big on the screens in Hollywood but they can't because they're butterflys. Except one that was on that episode of spongebob wear he has to mind Sandys pets and one escapes and it's a butterfly and scares everyone including Mr. Krabs even tho he was in the navy and shouldn't be scared of a lil' butterfly haha whatta stupid krab, he's not really stupid just a bit goofy cuz like he owns his own restaurant and business is always boomin' in there.

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