Wimpy kids

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Diary of a wimpy kid is like really good it's so good that I read the books loads of times mainly because actually books have lots of words in them and I prefer looking at the pictures and speaking of looking, Rodrick is good looking like in the movies he's like the punk boy of my dreams like I ain't gay but I'd let Rodrick bang me like a drum. Like I love the way he dresses he just has a pleasant style that is pleasing to the eye, and even tho he was a meanie to Greg he was nice at the end to him which I thought was a lovely brotherly friendship story, but what is even better than that is his band löded diper they just have really good songs like at the end of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules when they play Exploded Diper is just inspirational and it was also a good giggle because the mom was goofing up on stage and they didn't know, but I didn't like bill because he was an old crusty man and looks like he hasn't washed for like a million years.

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