Gray's a Dick. (but Natsu wants it...)

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Hey guys...😏. Didn't expect to hear from this book so soon did ya?


Gray walked into his home, tired from another day at school. And another day of Juvia.

He shook in disgust at the memory of his latest encounter with that crazy girl.

It was gym time and Gray was about to ditch class. He was so tired of dealing with coach Elfman. He totally did NOT want to get caught ditching by him though, so his plan was to chill out on the roof until class was over.

Making sure no one was around, he made his way to the stairs. It's not that students couldn't go up there. It was only allowed during lunch.

'And this was definitely not my lunch.' Gray thought to himself.

He was stepping up the final steps when he felt eyes on him.

He turned around quick, lies already forming in his head as to why he was trying to go on to the roof in his Gym period.

But no one was there.

Being the stupid person he was, he shrugged it off.

On the last step, he stood and opened the door and closed it as quietly as possible.

Once on the roof top, he headed toward two lawn chairs propped up for students to sit on.

The sun was blazing that day so it was no surprise that he stripped down to his briefs before sitting on one of the chairs.

"Ah. I guess it's enough time for me to take a little nap." He said aloud.

Then he fell asleep.

Click... Giggle... Click... Gasp....

"Perfect, Gray-Sama. Juvia likes this..."

Gray groaned as the sounds were starting to wake him from his sleep.

"Ugh... Five more minutes..." He muttered.

"Oh Gray-Sama~ you take all the time you need."

Gray jolted up with a shock.

That definitely was NOT his mom waking him up for school.

"W-who's there? Don't fuck with me. Come straight out." He growled sleepily.

"Oh Gray-Sama. You're so hot when you get all tough! Like you could man-handle Juvia at any second! Ah!"

Oh shit...

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