Episode: 2, A Smashing Day

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Episode 2
A Smashing Day

Seraphina Argent had barely slept. Even though her eyes were shut, it appeared as if her brain had been working all night and so she woke up even more exhausted than when she'd gone to bed.

She sat for a moment on the edge of the couch with her hands over her eyes, acting as a reluctant but habitual eavesdropper to a medley of sounds comprising far and wide as the morning noises of the coffee maker from the Argent House to the distant rustle of leaves.

She clasped her hands around her ears and screwed up her face in an expression of acute agony as Allison's morning alarm blared.

"Holy mother of—"she cussed and got up to trudge to the bathroom.

Annoyance etched on every line of her face, she turned the facet on the sink. A few feeble drops of water flopped down.

Seraphina clenched her fists and cussed in a language that was clearly not English. She stormed to her shed door, yanked it open and continued on up to the house.

She was ready to hammer on the front door 'till someone opened it but to her slight surprise, it was already open.

Seraphina walked in to find the hallway empty. She could hear someone preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Not wanting to talk to anyone, she carefully tip toed down the hallway and came to a pause outside a door. From inside she could hear Victoria and Chris' voices as if they were standing right next to her. Evidently they'd just woken up, perhaps were still in bed. Without a small pretentious shrug and malicious intent, she turned the knob of the door and barged into the unlocked room.

"Bathroom not working" said Seraphina innocently as Victoria yanked the sheets up and Chris scuttled around in momentary panic.

Seraphina grinned satisfactorily before helping herself to the bathroom.



"Hey, Allison, let me give you a ride"


Allison looked at Seraphina, her dark helmet from the previous night covering her face and muffling her voice. She held out an old red helmet in one hand. Allison usually walked to school, taking the dirty road and meeting up with her friends mid-way and walking the rest of the way together.

Too polite to refuse, however, especially given the way her mother had treated Seraphina last night (she'd heard about how the old shed used by the servants of the previous owners was given to Seraphina to live in from Kate), she apprehensively accepted Seraphina's proposal and the helmet.

"Your father gave this to me" said Seraphina, indicating the helmet and in a way that suggested she was grinning.

The helmet was old and looked as if it hadn't been worn much. Seraphina swung her leg over her bike and jerked her head towards the seat behind her, indicating Allison to come sit, which she did rather cautiously.

"I have a rough idea of the directions. Just tell me if I make a wrong turn" said Seraphina thickly as she kick started the engine.

"Okay" Allison replied over the roar

"Also, Allison" yelled Seraphina

"What?" Allison yelled back

"Hold on tight!"

Seraphina revved her engine (to show off, no doubt, thought Allison) and roared off, making the resting birds ruffle their feathers angrily.


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