Episode: 9, Calls and Conversations

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Episode 9, Calls and Conversations

Previously on Teen Wolf Legends An uncanny friendship grows between Derek Hale and Seraphina Argent, which becomes a little too hectic for the latter, who has to juggle school during the day and secret meetings with Derek at night.

While Allison appears to distrust Derek and finds herself suspicious about the nature of the relationship between the two.

At the Hale House, where our two protagonists conduct their nightly rendezvous, Seraphina tells Derek a wolf and his human form are synced and she can sense werewolves even if they're in their human forms, however an Alpha's wolf identity becomes distinct and she wouldn't even be able to tell if a human is werewolf if he was the Alpha.

Derek suggests a few names, among them, one of the chemist Adrian Harris. Seraphina Argent, exhausted from her days, finds herself falling asleep in the middle of the talk which while initially irks Derek, he lets her be to rest.

While asleep, Seraphina has another one of her dream-memories.

Once awake, she is surprised but grateful towards Derek. While leaving his house for a hunters' meeting, she sees a police car pulling up at the Hale House and Derek being taken away.

At the meeting, she meets Gerald Argent, and while he recognises her and embraces her, she appears not to.

On Gerald's call for a mass hunt, Seraphina steps up and declares no hunts will be conducted without her permission.

Upon such a strict order to follow the code, Gerald quietly declares to Chris that he doesn't believe this woman is Seraphina Argent.


If there was one man who couldn't look menacing and intimidating, it was sheriff Noah Stilinski. His chubby, square face and kind brown eyes just didn't have it in them.

His nomination for sheriff was, however unchallenged, for everyone in Beacon Hill knew, his brain was as sharp as his eyes were kind. Sherriff Stilinski, had been one of those brilliant young kids who didn't fit in a small town such as Beacon Hills. On his part, Noah didn't hesitate to take up on a college scholarship. From there on, it was no looking back. Elias Stilinski wouldn't stop talking about what a smart man his little boy was and how he had the city at his feet.

It was, thus a little bit of a surprise, especially to the older members of the town when a few decades later, Noah Stilinski crossed back into this side of the town's border, carrying sorrow in his eyes and a little boy in his arms.

No one had to heart to ask him, but soon rumours spread that Noah Stilinski had fallen head over heels for a woman, who left him soon after the birth of their son.

Heartbroken, he returned to the comfort of his town and people, looking for some form of acceptance and companionship.

It furthered surprised people when he decided to put in his bid for sheriff, despite his rather academia spirit.

What went on between Mayor Emma McAllister and Noah Stilinski in the former's office is anybody's guess, but the next thing anybody knew is that Stilinski was officially Sheriff Stilinski now.

Derek Hale had been sitting in the interrogation room quite a while when the Sherriff walked inside.

"Am I under arrest?" Derek barked.

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