Episode 8, Glimpse from The Past

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Hi, everyone! I know this update comes after years; I promise the story isn't dead. I'd literally had this episode 3/4th typed for 2 years now, but kept sitting on it. Thanks to some amazing people texting me to update, here it is! I hope further updates are more consistent 😊

Episode 8, Glimpse from The Past

Previously on Legends Going out of her way to save Derek Hale's life, Seraphina Argent proves that she means no harm to the werewolves.

Meanwhile Kate's former partners in the Hale House fire turn up suspiciously dead, worrying Chris and Kate Argent who confide in Seraphina that they believe Derek Hale was on a vendetta spree, being the new Alpha and must be hunted down. Seraphina assures them she'll look after Allison but warns them and other hunters to keep off hunts without her permission.

A scene of Seraphina digging in the middle of the night is interrupted by Derek Hale. It's revealed to be Laura Hale's grave, who was buried by the Hunters, given the fact that Acrontium was stuffed down her throat to keep her in wolf form. Derek confirms that he believes she was killed by the new Alpha, not the hunters.

Seraphina's sympathy and her actions to give Laura a proper burial softens Derek's heart and he agrees to work with her to find the new Alpha, if she promises to be honest to him.

Seraphina swears she's never hurt an innocent wolf in her life.

As Seraphina leaves, she remembers Katherine Argent stating she burnt the Hale family because, she, Seraphina, asked her to.

"Katherine Gina Argent, by virtue of your age and keeping in mind other factors, the Council has come to the decision that you shall not be held solely responsible for the Hale House Fire. However, you are hereby put on probation. You can not use a weapon without prior permission from the Council"

The heavy masculine voice stopped speaking. Kate, with her head still bowed, heard a scuffle around in the corner somewhere. A rough pair of hands grabbed her, one of them pushing her head down firmly to keep her from lifting it, the other clasping tightly and painfully around her arm. The white dhoti clad man steered Kate out of the hall. He let go of Kate and practically threw her out. She stumbled for a few paces before regaining her footing. Kate turned back but the heavy ornate doors shut before she could take a look inside or glance at the man who'd escorted her.

Kate hurried towards the doors, a look of deep panic on her face.

Her father was still inside.

"Gerard John Argent, as Katherine Argent's legal guardian and Karta of the Argent family, the Council has deemed the numerous deaths to be your fault. You are hereby stripped of your Hunter privileges. You shall receive none of the retirement benefits and are mandated to retire to a permanent residence. You are no longer allowed to be within 10 kilometres of a Violet Area, defined under the Code as an area with an active hostile werewolf pack. Christopher Whitelaw Argent is declared the new Karta of the Argent family.
Violation of any of the terms will expedite incarceration or more serious measures.



Seraphina stumbled over her feet.

"Watch it!" Allison cried, trying to catch hold of her arm but Seraphina steadied herself. Her bag slid off her shoulder and sprung down to her arm.

"Are you okay?" Allison asked her, concerned

Seraphina nodded. She looked the worse for wear. Her eyes were puffy and red. Her clothes looked woebegone. Her hair was unwashed and untidy. Her face bore a distinctly grumpy expression. Infamous for being socially reserved, people especially avoided Seraphina that day.

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