Episode: 4, Odd Encounters

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Note: Glossary at the end.

Episode 4

Odd Encounters

Previously on Legends The arrival of a certain distant cousin of Chris and Kate's marks a new chapter in the lives of Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale (so far)

While Allison and Stiles initially just find the girl formidable, albeit slightly creepy, Scott McCall is alarmed at the innuendos made by Seraphina that seem to suggest not only that she know more than she's letting on, but she is more that she's letting on.

Alarmed and slightly panicked, Scott confides in Derek about his suspicions of Seraphina and makes an appearance in their gym. However Seraphina, it appears, senses her presence and distracted, smashes a volleyball to the ground.

Another body is found in Beacon Hills and the news readers, growing frantic, attribute the ordeal to a vicious serial killer, further increasing the levels of terror in the town. Stiles Stilinski vividly describes the crime scene, the photos of which he'd seen at his father's desk and confides his relief that Scott wasn't a part of the pack that's doing this, all the while sitting in the cafeteria a few tables away from Seraphina. Scott asks Stiles unceremoniously to shut up and glances at Seraphina while Stiles follows his gaze.
Allison finally gets a chance to walk with Scott alone where she shares her suspicions with him about Seraphina. Scott asks her out on a date that night. Meanwhile Stiles supervises the arrangement of heavy furniture of a class by Seraphina and is startled when she insists on giving him a lift home.
Scott McCall comes home to find Seraphina Argent waiting for him at his house. She tells him that she doesn't believe in spilling innocent blood and he's safe as long as she doesn't have proof he's harmed a human while being a member of the pack and warns him to stay away from Allison. After much insistence on Scott's part that he's not a part of the Pack and that he's never harmed anyone, he confesses that he's in love with Allison. Seraphina finally leaves but tells him she still doesn't fully believe him and that she'd be keeping an eye on him.
Scott, while enjoying his date with Allison gets a call from Stiles who sounds panicked and tells Scott that Seraphina is a chimera.

"What?" Scott hissed back

"A chimera! I'm sure of it! She's way too strong, she's fast, you always feel uncomfortable around her, her pitch dark eyes, long hair... it all fits!"

"How do you even know all that?" Scott asked

"Remember the that crazy phase where I'd tried to learn Sanskrit and bought a whole lot of guides and Sanskrit to English dictionaries and Allison had lent me this book she'd found in her house that was in Sanskrit? Pishach Sutra. Well, I'd been trying to read up on you guys, you know your species, werewolves" he hissed the last word and continued without drawing breath, "So I came across these half breeds, if you must call them, I haven't really translated that well, but I'm damn sure she's it."

Scott was suddenly feeling hot despite the cool pleasant night.

"Stiles, I think Derek should know this, I'll, I'll talk to you later, Allison's here. "

Allison Argent was to find Scott oddly disengaged the entire evening. Not only did he hastily turn down Allison's invitation to drop her home and an implied invitation to sneak into her room and make out, he kept glancing over his shoulder every few minutes and seemed anxious, always at the edge of his seat.

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