CH-4: What A Scene

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Heyyah! Enjoy reading! And that's Allena!

Will's POV

"Please don't run away.."

I don't know why but my feet are now glued to the ground, I can't move.

"Hi!--" She was cut off because saw me being shocked. Haaay, when will my nervousness go away?

"Err...." I heard her say and cleared her throat. Awkward silence were surrounding us until I heard her speak.

"Ehem...a-a..Hi! You're in my section too, right?" She said with her smile. At first I still can't move my head but I managed to nod as an answer.

"Can you accompany me here??" My eyes widened at what she said. I-Is....t-this a-a-a d-dream?! I hope it's not.

"Please? Can you stay here with me?" I was about to answer when she cut me 

"Yes? Okay! Yay! Thanks blue haired guy!" Blue haired guy? Of course it's me, I'm the only one here with her that has blue hair. I still can't believe that she's talking to me.

Time Skip~~

"~~that really annoyed me.. Seriously?! Tacos? Is that guy named Mark? Psh, heck I care? Hahaha.!" She said. Minutes have passed but she's here still talking to me, I can't imagine that a famous like her will talk to me like we've met since we're young. And she's not like the other girls who are snobbers and all, I'm not being judgemental here sorry. I'm just happy of how she's treating me now.

"Hey, blue haired guy." She called me out. I'm starting to like that name. I looked at her.


"F-f-for w-what?" I finally said after minutes have passed. She looked at me.

"At last I heard your voice." She smiled and because of that I looked away.

"Thanks for staying." She said with a sweet smile.

"I-It's o-okay."

"Oh! I totally forgot! Haha sorry, my name's Ares." She said and opened her hands as a sign of a handshake. I'm really really shy right now, I think I can't shake her hand but it'll be rude if I ignore it! W-what should I do!!!

I was about to put my hands in my pocket when she immediately grabbed it. "How about you blue haired guy? What's your name?" She asked with a smile that says 'don't-worry-I-wont-eat-you'.

"I-It's W-wil---"

"AREEESSS!!!" I was cut of when someone suddenly called her, she's her classmate and she's really famous too next to Ares.

Reversed (Will Cipher x Ares)Where stories live. Discover now