CH-17: My Own Killing Machine

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Ares' POV

"Once again, good luck and be prepared students. Okay you may go now, class dismissed." Our teacher finally said after announcing something about the school festival. I fixed my bag and stood up. I accidentally saw Kyle staring at me, more like glaring. Darn it, I'm getting disgusted everytime I see that jerk! I could never forget and forgive him for doing that! What if no one saved me? What if no one was sleeping there and tried to escape the morning class? What if there was no baseball bat hidden above the lockers? What is he going to do with me??! Psh. Jerk!

"Hey dude, are you going to come with us or not?" I heard Mark said that made Kyle stop glaring at me. I never had any regrets about kicking Kyle in the face, seriously HE.DESERVES.THAT. damn it.

I waited for a few minutes in the classroom after when Kyle and the others left. I don't know why but my somewhat called instincts tells me that I'm about to face something.

I started to walk in the hallway. There are some students here minding their own businesses. When I was near the locker room, something was quite definitely wrong. Something's so noisy, like someone's banging the lockers. Everyone seems to notice it but some of them just don't care at all and some are waiting? What are they waiting for? No, first of all who the heck is that VIP in there?!

I walked towards the locker room, is it me or the looks on their faces somehow look surprised or something? When I entered, there was nothing in the- WTF?!

"Hate to break your moment but no one keeps me away from my nachos." I said as I saw Sam's friend I think she's Ella Madrigal, she's with a boy I-don't-know-who-that-manwh*re-is. Tss, they're so gross.

What are they doing? They're just 'flirting with touching ang stuff' near my locker. Seriously do you really have to do that near my locker??! ARGH!

"Tss.. B*tch." I heard Ella said before she left.

Tss.. First of all I don't care cu'z all I care about are my nachos and second, I'm not the b*tch, I think she need to the library and search the meaning of it, maybe she doesn't know it, tsk tsk tsk. I'm not being judgmental or something here I'm just stating a fact, psh.

I opened my locker and saw the letter and smiled. It really became my routine. I wish I could see him in person.

"Hey princess...." I almost jumped when I heard a voice behind me as I turn my head, no one was there. What the hell? "Up here.." A girl's voice said with a playful tone. As I look up, I saw...

"Allena?" She's sitting above the locker. My eyes widened when I saw what she's playing in her hand, damn it's a dagger, is that even allowed in here? How did she get that in here? "W-what are you doing up there?" Is she going to use that to me??!!

"Calm down, this isn't designed to cut the beautiful princess' sweet flesh." She said and creepy tone, yandere alert? Wait, so if it isn't for me then what is she going to do with that dagger?

"W-what are you going to do with that Allena? Put it down." I said but she just continued playing with it like it's just a baby's toy.

"Ohh nothing, just gonna play with my little best friend." She said and rolled the knife. "I came here to deal a business with my, princess..."

"What is it?" What business? I don't get it.

"Since you know where I hide my 'stuffs'." She said and pointed above the locker with her eyes. Yeah I do know that she's hiding a baseball bat there- wait, is there more? I sword maybe? A chainsaw? Nah, maybe I'm just over exaggerating.

"Don't you dare to tell it to-." She paused and threw her dagger to the locker behind her.

"Allena-" I stopped when I saw Ella ran, is she eavesdropping??

"As I was saying," Allena continued as if nothing happened. "Don't tell it to anyone, and as an exchange..." She paused and smirked.

"I'll be your killing machine."


"Seriously?! She said that?!" Melody asked and I just nodded as an answer. We're in the cafeteria by the way, and still getting our orders.

I told them what happened in the locker room except the part where Allena's hiding place for her weapons and such. Why does she bring that to school anyway?

"That's cool, and creepy." Jenelle said which is true. Why did I even agreed? Maybe because of what Kyle did? But I don't want anyone to die, seriously. I'm not that violent like-


"Fck! Watch it!" A guy said. Is he a gentleman or not? Well, I guess he's not. This freak, he didn't even help me stand up! Jenelle helped me stand up.

"Manwh*re." I whispered when I realized that it's the guy with Ella on the locker room. Tss..

"What?! B*tch! Look what you've done!" He said and pointed his shirt that has orange stains.

"You're going to pay for this." He said and grabbed my arm.

"Hey! Stop that you freakin-asdfghjkl." I saw Jenelle and the others with some guys covering their mouth. I tried to go there but this jerk's hand is stopping me.

"" I said in my coldest tone and with my eyes glaring at his hand in my arm. I'm gonna punch this bastard's face any second now.

"As if I would," He said and smirked. "I think I know how you could pay your debt beautiful." He said and touched my cheeks that made me angrier. This perverted bastard! ARGHH!!

A few seconds passed and I just realized that he's not holding my arm anymore. My eyes widened when I saw him lying on the floor.

"Sweet dreams." Allena said in a sweet tone and waved while facing the guy who's lying on the floor. I saw her hide something in her pocket, a syringe?!

D-did she just killed him? Is he a c-corpse-

"Shh, it's just for an hour princess..." She whispered in my ear when she got near me. I saw her creepy smirk.

"Hey boys! Wanna play?" She said in a child's tone. She is kinda cute, and creepy though.

"B*tch." The other guy said.

"Yes, I am." Allena said. The guy's is going to grab her hair but before he could, he froze. What? Why?

Allena whisper something in the guy's ear that made him creep out to death. What did she do? I saw her hand, wait is that her dagger?! She's hidding it, did everyone see it?! She's pointing the end to his stomach, and because of her long green hair her green dagger camouflages.

The next thing I know is the guy cried in fear and ran away with his friends. Allena faced me and bowed gracefully.

"You're welcome, my princess. " She said and walked away but she stopped and looked at me.

"I thought I'll never have this kind of fun again." She said and left.

So she's serious, about the deal thingy... Should I be happy thay I have my own killing machine? Or not?

Well, at least she had fun. I guess.

To Be Continued...

Getting neaaar...

( ̄∀ ̄) he he he~~

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