CH-15: I feel...

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Ares' POV

It been a week since that scene from Mark and a week more will be our school festival.

I received some notes from Blue C. He does it everyday. I'm walking at the hallway to go to the locker room and get Blue C's note, it became my routine though.

My feet was glued to the floor when I heard a loud... sound? It sounds like someone's in great pain. I was going to step closer inside the empty classroom when someone suddenly pulled me.

"H-hey!!" I shouted at Sam. Tss!

"Don't go there!" Tss, why shouldn't I? Someone's in trouble.

"Why?" I asked.

"You'll be killed." I just rolled my eyes at her, tss what am I? A kid?!

"Just let me go!" I shouted and pulled my arm back. I ran towards the classroom but... No one was there.

They already left. And because of this—ugh! What do I even need to see there?! Argghh!!

"A-ares—" She didn't finish because I threw a deadly glare and left.

What the hell was that?

Maybe another bullying scene, tss this freaking school. I walked towards the locker room and saw his note, I didn't even realized that I was smiling the whole time. This note really made me laugh and pushed the bad thoughts from that scene earlier away. He said..

When you're feeling
sad or angry, 

Just remember that somewhere
in the world,

There's a moron pushing a door

that said pull. :)

~Blue C.    

Haha, that was nice. I guess that moron is that freakin' Sam. Blue C really never failed to surprise me, I guess that's another point.

I walked out of the locker room and decided to go to the cafeteria. While walking at the hallway, a sudden thought crossed my mind.


I wonder where that guy is? Maybe he's absent. Haaa.. I don't know why but It's kinda boring without him around—

"Ares!!" I suddenly heard a voice beside me that made me come back to my senses.

"Huh? What?"

"Psh. Are you sick or something? Earth to Ares Diaz?" Humble said and rolled his eyes. I just continued walking when he spoke.

Reversed (Will Cipher x Ares)Where stories live. Discover now